Sunday, December 30, 2007

Learn to sit @ 7mths

I am always on the floor, leopard crawling to reach my things. Somtimes will lift up my buttock and lie on the floor again. Now I have tried some thing new, I lie on the floor, move my buttock backward then slowly bend my kneel and push my hands, I can sit up. Mummy was watching me, she was so happy and called Daddy said that i can sit up on my own. I'm still not very steady sitting without support, will practice more.

Slowly I push my hands to sit up, will stretch my legs out too

See I am so happy.....:)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

At Auntie Pheng's House

Horray! On the way to Auntie Pheng's hse..

Saw JunQi kor kor, he sayang me, called me "Baby". I juz woke up, abit blur blur. JunQi very busy talking and playing. Me juz smile smile, drink milk and sleep. hehe

This trolley belong to JunQi kor kor. Colourful trolley and got kitchen sets inside. I juz looked at the trolley, touch touch. Cannot play now coz I haven't learn to walk.

Mummy and JunQi kor kor

Mummy & Auntie Pheng *Do u know who took this pic for them?*
Is JunQi kor kor...hehe.. Nice shot hor...:)

This is from Auntie Pheng~My Xmas gift
She bought me this sporty dress coz she said I look like a sporty baby..hehe
Tks Auntie Pheng *MuAcK*

Monday, December 24, 2007


~Taking pics with Shannen~
Both parents are trying very hard to get us take a pic together

Think this is the best we can do...hehe

Mummy, Auntie Wendy & Shannen....tried many times..
Daddy is the camera man..keke

My presents~Tks Auntie Wendy, Auntie Stella,
Auntie Queenie & Auntie Belinda

Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Cardiac Assessment

Yday I went for my Cardiac Assessment (Heart Ultrasound scan), Daddy and Mummy brought me to see the doctor. Doctor said the hole in my heart had closed but there is still a small gap. Doctor said he will have to see me in another 6mths' time. Daddy & Mummy is sad, coz when doing the Utlrasound, many tubes were attached to me and I had to drink a medicine that will make me sleep so when doing the test i'm sleeping will not move around. Hope the next time i do the test, everything is fine and no need to do the test anymore. Doctor recommended a jab (flu vaccine), Daddy and Mummy thinking that i'm in infant care, will fall sick easily so let me hv the jab. I didn't cry when jab. Mummy say i'm gd girl. Mummy was scared after the jab I will hv fever but the whole day I'm fine. Today early in the morning, Mummy touched me, my forehead was warm. Mummy temp me, is 37.9 quickly Mummy used a cool pad to paste on my forehead and gave me paracetamol. After 1hr I'm ok, fever no more. Late afternoon, Mummy and Daddy brought me out for shopping. So Happy, when back hm, bathe, drink milk and sleep for the day. :)

Cool pad on my forehead ~~~With Mummy at Sakae

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Learning to Crawl @ 6mths

I'm bending my knees trying to crawl.. Still i can stretch forward to reach things i want. Mummy is so happy, i always hear Mummy say..."Hazel....come, come..."