Saturday, June 27, 2009


I was invited to Heidi's 3-year-old Birthday party which was held at FIDGETS. Remember my last Fidgets outing with Aloysius when I could only play at the under-2yrs old area. Now I can choose to play either side, have fun with all the big Jie Jie and Kor Kor with the bigger and more exciting slides etc... or stick to my old time favourite little playground...

FUN! FUN! FUN!... Look at me enjoying so happily... It was time for party time and we all gathered at the party room... Starting with group photo-taking session. I was very 'dao' lor... I didn't want to join Heidi and the gang for the photo taking.. That was why u couldn't find me in those photos below at all. :p

Then the very next moment... Hot disco music and bubbles!!! My favourite!!! Everybody went wild playing with the bubbles...

Check out one of the best family photos taken at this party!!! Keke...

It was then time for the cake-cutting session. We kids all sang our favourite Birthday song to Heidi. There were food and beverages exclusively for us kids (although some adults, including Mummy, pinched a bit here and there) - it was a wonderful spread of chicken nuggets, french fries, sandwiches and ice-cream desserts... Yummy!... Guess what!? Mummy couldn't take any pics of the kid's meals as the camera battery went flat... Blur Mummy forgot to charge the battery last night.... Sigh....

I could have played till Fidgets closed for the day... But it was time to go home for a rest (As there were more activities later in the day); poor Daddy & Mummy had a hard time coaxing me to go home... Keke...Auntie Shirley, thanks for inviting us to share this wonderful time... :)


Went to Shannen's hse right after my Ros class. Shannen shared her set of puzzles which both of us were enjoying playing with - all night long. We also played bowling together... Our mummies did show us the way bowling should be played... Shannen, however, would always go right in front of the pins and push them down instead... Haha... So funny!!! And they kept calling "Shannen play cheat!" and we all laughed out heartily...

Taking pictures was fun too... Whenever Mummy said "Hug Shannen", I would quickly grab Shannen's neck and give a big generous smile... But Mummy felt that my smile was a bit too 'over' liao... Keke...

When we left Shannen's hse, I slept in the car on my way home...ZZZZzzzzzz.....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Date of travel : 20th June 2009 to 22nd June 2009
Hotel Accommodation : Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur
Mode of Transport : Uncle S's car ~ Toyota Altis

We've been planning a road trip to KL with Queenie Yee Yee & Uncle S for mths. Finally, the day had come coz there was no ros class on Sat (enrichment course) and no school on Monday (sch closed for their staff training day).

The week before, there were news reports that the weather was affected by bad haze. Mummy had almost wanted to cancel this trip coz she’s not comfortable with the weather, fearing that I could be more sensitive to the haze. After much consideration, Mummy decided to go, thinking if the weather were to be that bad, we could juz stay indoors. Moreover, Mummy had already tuned her mind to “holiday mood”; so we then set off for our holiday trip… GO! GO!! GO!!!

Day 1 ~

We stopped by Malacca and had a taste of their famous Chicken Rice Ball. I actually thought it was a fish ball at first sight!!! Keke…

We then reached our hotel in the afternoon, checked in and quickly started our itinerary. Somehow, I was excited and kept requesting for “Playground”, so the poor adults had to reschedule their plan to accommodate me and brought me to the indoor theme park (Berjaya Times Square) where I could enjoy myself... However, most of the rides there are for older kids...I couldn’t play at all; a bit disappointed though. I only had two rides and got bored.

We left the theme park and all headed for lunch, and did some shopping followed by dinner at Pavilion ~ a restaurant called ‘Madam Kwan’. The food was quite nice – Well… that’s what the adults said. Mummy didn’t manage to take any photos as I was very playful at the table. I kept standing up from my high chair while poor Mummy & Daddy had to keep holding onto me to prevent me from falling over... :p

Day 2 ~

We woke up nearly 9am… Keke... I seldom wake up so late when I'm at home… We had a quick wash-up and we headed downstairs at the hotel café for breakfast. There were cornflakes and oat porridge for me; I didn't eat a lot but I drink a lot of apple juice... Keke…

We had planned to go up to the Twin Towers for a great scenery view at the Sky Bridge but all tickets were given out by the time we reached there. Why leh?! Coz Mummy woke up late lor… Keke… So in the end, we did some shopping. Mummy was initially very excited about getting to shop but the things there were quite expensive and were not too much of a difference from Singapore. Nevertheless, she managed to get some stuff at Isetan… Well… it is always important to satisfy her shopping desires to ensure my ‘safety’…(Happy mummy vs Happy Hazel)...Haha....

We met up with Auntie Belinda (Mummy's ex-colleague) for lunch. She and her hubby (Uncle Lem ) picked us up and brought all of us to eat Ampang Yong Tau Foo... It was a very traditional coffee shop and the weather was really hot; but there was a big crowd enjoying the food. It didn’t stop Daddy from eating while sweating out at the same time... Keke... The adult ordered durians too, Mummy did let me try some but I didn't really like it. And guess what?! Queenie Yee Yee and Uncle S were enjoying the durians and it seemed that they might have eaten up the most... Hehe~!

After lunch, Auntie Belinda dropped us at Pavilion shopping centre. I actually forgot to mention earlier; guess why we went there yet again?! Coz there was a BMW car show which we missed out the day before. Daddy and Uncle S wanted to go there and test sit the car. Take note: can only test SIT hor, no test DRIVE hor. Haha... I got to test sit and drive this mini BMW ride too!!! Cute rite?... Not cheap hor... Hehe

Pavilion shopping centre was actually located near to our hotel and we headed back to the hotel for a good night rest. Mummy had brought along my colour pencils and puzzles to keep myself occupied in the hotel room. And I had Barney VCDs to watch too... Hehe..

Daddy, Uncle S & Queenie Yee Yee went out after 9pm for their supper. They did have dinner at the hotel executive lounge but it was not enough for the day. They went to a store named "Soo Kee" to eat beef hor fun and prawn mee, highly recommended by Uncle Lem.

Mummy knew that I wouldn't like to eat beef horfun, so we stayed in our hotel room and ordered the room service – Chicken Noodle Soup – for me. (Actually, she was lazy to bring me out so she made that excuse.) Mummy assumed that I could not finish the noodle soup so she did not order her own food. To her surprise, I ate a lot and keep asking for more… Keke... I was hungry mah... :p Oops… I guess Mummy did not get to eat much and she probably would go hungry later in the late night. Half an hour later, Mummy gave me milk and she was again surprised that I could still finish it after the big bowl of noodle soup. Keke.... and right after the milk I went ZZZZzzzzzzzzz...

Day 3 ~

It was almost 9am and I was still sleeping... *Faint* Mummy had to wake me up coz we had planned to go swimming before we checked out the hotel and leave for home. That’s my favourite activity!!! Immediately after breakfast and a short half-an-hour rest, we all got changed into our swimming gear… Daddy bought me two water guns and a junior diving set to add on to the fun... Look at my ducky shoes!! Aren’t they cute?! Hehe…

Mummy also checked out the sauna room and Jacuzzi pool… So nice!... You can imagine Queenie Yee Yee enjoying herself… but not for me yet... Perhaps next time bah!

At 1pm we finally checked out of the hotel and it was ‘Home Sweet Home’ time.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Today morning will have a surprise for Daddy..When we reached my school, Teacher Lily brought come out a card and a packet of bread, asked me to pass to Daddy and wished him " Happy Father's Day!!!". Well...the card was obviously made on my behalf by teachers...keke...But the bread was prepared by me the day before..I had spread tuna on the bread with my own "hands"...That became my Daddy's first breakfast from ME~. Daddy was so happy!!! Though he does not fancy tuna, Daddy still finished up the bread smilingly. I'm sure if I were to spread grass on the bread, Daddy would still eat it up...Must give me face rite? :P

Thursday, June 18, 2009



So you thought I'm at a birthday party....Neh~! I juz wanna practise to sing the birthday song, blow the candles n cut the cake so I'll be fully prepared for the next coming birthday celebration, whoever invites me then...keke....

Recorded on 17.06.09

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hi....I'm Back!!

I had many activities over the past 6mths...Attended many parties, went to Genting and HongKong for holiday....Celebrated my 2nd Birthday. At the same time Mummy had been very lazy coz she's been crazy over "Boys Over Flowers"~a Korean F4 drama and was watching it repeatedly *faint*...So that actually explained y she nvr blog abt me for so long....

Finally, Mummy has come to her normal senses liao..hehe...She had taken some videos of me for the past few days....Check them out...Btw...Anyone missed me?.. :p

Fixing a 16pcs Barney Puzzles~taken on 08.06.09

Me and JunQi kor kor~cycling... Fun!!~Taken on 13.06.09

Watch "Fun Songs Factory"~ Taken on 13.06.09

Singing Songs ~ Taken on 16.06.09