Monday, March 31, 2008



29 March 08 ~ Saturday Outing ~ To Suntec ~

Changed liao...get ready to go out..Wait.. can I hv my tu tu...?? :)

Daddy & Mummy shopping, I got nothing to do.. so boring..

Found something to water bottle...hehe

With Aunty Queen :)

With Mummy

Had dinner at Asia Kitchen, Uncle Stephen is feeding me.
Guess wat he feeding...nothing...Action Action only...haha

30 March 08 ~ SUNDAY ~ AT HOME ~

Heidi jie jie came to my hse, Mummy is trying hard to pic for us..
We juz don't look at Mummy, this is the best shot.. :p

In the afternoon, Tricia jie jie came.
My face looks scare or wan to cry??
Wait haven't warm up...

Tricia jie jie playing with me..

Playing happily and Mummy disturb us to take pic again...

Friday, March 28, 2008


From 9mths to 10mths old, I have learnt to stand without support and drink water using straw...:) Now I can stand quite long without support. As usual today came from school and had my dinner. After one hr Mummy noticed that my neck hv some rashes patch. Mummy den told Daddy I have some rash patches on my neck. Daddy lifted up my t-shirt, to find that I have more rashes on my back, my tummy and my legs. Mummy quickly called the clinic, No one picked up the phone. Very fast, Daddy and Mummy changed me and rushed down to clinic. Waited for almost 2hrs, finally is my turn. Doctor said is due to food allergic. Mummy said I didn't eat any new food. Doctor advised Mummy to take note of wat I eat everyday and need to monitor a few days to see if the rashes comes back. When reached home, I had my milk and dozed off liao.. Very tired!! Zzzzzz

Saturday, March 22, 2008


My hair is a bit messy...hehe

I've learnt to drink water using straw.....:)

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Today in the early morning, Mummy brought me to c doctor again. But this time no jab and no medicine... Phew!! Juz an assessment of my growing development.

My lastest growth record:
Weight : 9kg
Height : 71.2cm
Head Circumference : 44cm
Hearing test : Passed

The friendly nurse said everything was veri gd, all above average. Mummy & Daddy were very happy. And now my constipation problem is getting better, everyday got poo and not very hard now. Hope no more hard stool if not pain pain ar....:(

In the afternoon, we went to Taka shopping, Mummy likes this two pics I took with Daddy..:)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Daddy was making some giggling sounds and I just loved it… And I kept laughing and laughing every time he did it… Actually, I am laughing at Daddy’s funny face. Wahahaha!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


After my afternoon nap, Mummy changed me...hehe..go Gai Gai again..In the car, Mummy said going to c my friend, Adriel & Teacher Rovena. When we were there, more like mothers meeting.. Mummy & Teacher Rovena kept talking and wanted me & Adriel to take pics. After my milk milk, I got tired and fell asleep; and the next moment when I woke up, I was already in the car. Adriel left too. Some pics taken with Adriel...:)

Daddy talking to me..

Adriel is smiling the "blur" look....hehe

Me and Adriel...

Teacher Rovena , Adriel & Mummy..

Mummy & Adriel...