Sunday, December 7, 2008


We all went to Marcus's hse for swimming. Wah~! It was so fun and enjoyable… The water was really very cold, but it didn't stop us from having so much fun in the water… Here are all my classmates and schoolmates… Lucas kor kor, Yutong jie jie, Marcus and Aloysius, we usually hang out together. There’s another friend who was not around today... and that was JOELLE. She is now on a holiday trip enjoying herself (I mean with her parents too lah) in Hokkaido...

Marcus's mummy cooked salmon porridge for us for dinner. Yummy!... I ate a lot as that was really nice porridge... After our dinner, Marcus' daddy gave us a big bowl of crackers while we played with toys... Look at us… We were all enjoying our crackers... :)

It was then 10pm and time for all of us to go home... I knocked out (Sleeping) while sitting in my car seat on the way back home... ZZZzzzzzz

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