Monday, December 29, 2008



For the past couple of weeks, Mummy had been too lazy to update my blog... Actually, Mummy and Daddy had to take turns to take care of me at home coz my School got several cases of HFMD... They were relieved that I was not affected in the end. And So that explained for the over-due post...

Date : 13 Dec 2008
Place : Went shopping at Taka with Chor Chor (Great Grandma)

I liked this baby pram alot...kept pushing it around. When Mummy took the pram away from me, I cried out loud...

Next, I saw a little pink handbag and tried to carry it as Chor Chor was carrying hers... Action rite?!... hehe

Date : 14th Dec 2008
Place : McDonald @Ridout Tea Garden ~ Ryan 3rd Birthday Party
and Teacher Sohli's hse Xmas gathering

Happy Birthday Ryan!!! See... Auntie Geryl was so happy...:) This party was more suitable for Big Jie Jie and Kor kor... They were playing games and dancing around... As I was still too young to join in the fun, so most of the time I was on the highchair, eating and playing with Marcus.. Think I may need to wait for one more year before I can join the bigger kids!!!

So nice of Yutong Jie Jie.. She got a balloon for me... Tks! Jie JIe...

With Marcus.. eat and eat and eat.. play and play and play....hehehe...

We went to Teacher Sohli's hse for a Xmas gathering after Ryan's party... Even with juz an one-hr nap, I still had lots of energy... I quickly had my dinner porridge, started to play with my classmate and teachers. We also sang Xmas songs together and exchanged gifts towards the end of the party... So much FUN!!

Date : 24th Dec 2008
Place: At home~Xmas party~Steamboat dinner

Daddy & Mummy had organised a steamboat dinner for Xmas party this year at home.. (seems like CNY dinner hor...steamboat..hehe)... Mummy was bz..hv to look after me.. She couldn't really chat much with the Aunties or even really take pictures of the whole gathering... :)

My school teacher had made this green tag and I added some white cotton wool on it to make it look nice nice...My Xmas art piece... :)

The Xmas gathering photos..think its the one and only...hahaha

Date : 25th Dec 2008
Place : At home~opening presents....

Thank you Aunties, Uncles and Teachers...for all the wonderful gifts....*MuAcK* *MuAcK*

Remember the baby pram which I loved at first sight?! Mummy had decided to buy this trolley instead so that I can keep all my toy fruits in it... :)

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