Monday, July 27, 2009


LOOK!!! I had prepared a happy meal for my toy friends at home.. Let me introduce them to u... There’s Barney, Bear Bear and Baby.... Keke...

After they had finished the happy meal... I put them to bed for an early night’s sleep... Barney, Bear Bear and Baby all slept together. I pulled a blanket over them to keep them comfortable through the night... :)


Sunday, July 26, 2009


Mummy carrying Baby ZhiQi

Let me introduce Baby ZhiQi 祉圻..She is JunQi kor kor's mei mei.. She’s so cute with big round eyes!! But I was actually more interested with the toys rather than mei mei herself… Hehe... So you could see that there were no pictures of me with Baby ZhiQi at all... Talking about that happy day, I realized that there were so many people the moment when I stepped into the hse... I quickly cuddled up Mummy’s neck very tightly where she had to carry me instead… I always needed some time to get myself warmed up mah... I soon felt more comfortable after a short while and came down to play… I saw Raine Jie Jie playing puzzles and also started to join in the fun too…!!!

Mummy was busy taking photos with her camera… I thought she could also take my photos too when I tried to pose in front of her… Mummy excitedly said "Ok, Hazel, go shoulder Daddy" I quickly hugged Daddy's shoulder and gave a happy smile... ~Snap~Snap~ Then I hugged Mummy too... I really love taking photos with Daddy and Mummy...

Saturday, July 25, 2009


It was my favourite Ros Class again. Our subject today was “Wheels”... Auntie Sonia let us play with the wheel tunnel before finishing the class for the day… Wow!!!! It was Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! I played so much that I was sweating all over... Hehe... There are 6 of us altogether in my class, but only four of us played non-stop... Crawling in and out of the tunnel… The other 2 didn’t really try it out… Guess the rest of us were too rough bah... They juz sat back and watched us play... Hehe…

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Whenever I'm naughty or disobedient, Mummy would always raise her voice....

I would then quickly say "I don't want Mummy angry." (with my hand waving)

This would immediately melt Mummy's heart.... And it always works... keke....

Saturday, July 18, 2009


After my Ros lesson on the way back home...I saw a bus passing by Daddy's car, I kept saying "I want take bus, I want take bus." Mummy and Daddy then decided to park our car at home and take a bus to Tiong Bahru Plaza for dinner. Wah~!!! I was so happy!!! And I was excitedly waiting for the bus...

After our dinner and some shopping, we took the MRT to go back home... Wah~!.. I enjoyed both rides. Mummy asked me "U like to take bus or train?" ... I replied "Bus"...hehe.... And so Mummy said next time we will take bus again... :) Hurray~

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Today it's Dylan's 2nd birthday.... He gave each of us a birthday goodie bag for the celebration... They are all Strawberry Shortcake stationery.. There are two pencils, an eraser, a sharpener, a set of stickers and a Nestle Milo Cereal.. I like the Stickers most and I quickly pasted them on my Sticker Book... hehe.... :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I insisted on wearing the pants on my own for the very first time.. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Oops!.. I woke up early in the morning to find that my diaper had "over-flowed". My pants were damp. I kept telling Mummy "Pamper heavy, change". Mummy was about to change a new diaper for me before she realized that my legs were still reeking of urine and decided to give me a quick wash. While in the bathroom, I told Mummy that I wanted to sit on the toilet bowl. So she thought for a second and carried me up, hoping that I could start to learn using the toilet bowl. And I did pass lots of urine when Mummy asked me to give it a try... She was so excited and kept praising me. :) When we reached school, Mummy excitedly told Teacher Agnes abt it. Teacher Agnes also shared with Mummy that they would let us sit on the toilet bowl two times a day so that we would get used to it eventually. Juz now after dinner, before I started my shower, Mummy removed my diaper and asked me if I wanted to pass urine? And I said yes. Again I passed urine using the toilet bowl... Mummy was very happy lor.. :)