Saturday, December 5, 2009

Changi Airport T3

After my Ros class, we went to Changi Aiport T3 with Aloysius and family. Guess what's so happening there??... Thers's the the giant air-filled playslide...It's awesomely fun!!! Each kid is only entitled to a 15mins slot to enjoy. SO if u want more, jus need to quene again..

It was great fun as almost every kid went up and down the giant air-filled castle slide... Daddy and I were bouncing down the slide... Look at the video and u will know what I mean... Keke...

Beside the giant castle slide, there are two mini playground slides... Aloysius and I sure had a wonderful time there... When Daddy and Mummy told me it was time to go, I could not bear to leave and started crying. No choice; I am still too young to stay on my own... Bye, bye playground..
Our car was parked at B2, where there was a flea market... Well... Shopping at carpark!? Have u seen that before..?? Keke...

There's also Go Kart racing at the B2 carpark... Can you believe it? Too bad I couldn't ride on the car on my own... Its only for 10yrs old and above... But I still got to sit on the display car to take some pictures... :)

Hope can come back for the giant slides again.... :)

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