Sunday, December 6, 2009

Meet & Greet~Barney & Friends~

Venue : United Square Atrium (Level B1)

Dates : 2 - 14 Dec 2009

Showtimes : Mon - Fri : 2pm & 7pm

Sat - Sun : 2pm, 5pm & 7pm

(No show on Tuesdays)

~Barney's World of Imagination~ Wah~!!! Never thought that I could see the Barney & Friends "Live" shows. Mummy had been advised by her friends that we should reach there early in order to get in the queue for a good-view seating. We were planning to watch the 5pm show. When we reached there abt 3:30pm, Mummy saw two families who had started queuing up and quickly asked Daddy to join in the queue... A bit 'kiasu', but its worth the efforts. Mummy and I managed to get the front row seating...

Wanna take a picture with Barney & friends? U would have to be the first 50 shoppers to present $30 single receipt to get a photo pass... Anyway, we didn't manage to get the photo pass, but our nice seating should make up for that...

Waited for abt 45mins before we all started to go in for our seating... Hurray!!!

We're in but still had to wait till 5pm for the show to start. Everyone was given a booklet, inside the booklet were pictures of "Barney & Friends" for us... There's colouring pictures and a nice DIY sheet where u could tear along the dotted lines and make a cute little hat... Everyone got a different animal hat... And I got a 'fish' hat... :)

Finally Barney & Friends came out from behind the show curtains... Wah~!!! Barney looked so BIG... Hehe...The show lasted 20mins... They sang many songs and most of the kids joined in too... I really could not believe my eyes - Barney was right in front of ME... :)

Little Cousin Jackie came for the Barney show too..

After the Barney show, we went window-shopping in the same shopping centre... Guess wat??... I saw my one of my favourites - Car Rides... Wah!!! There were so many types of rides, there's a train, a rocket, a car, etc... As usual, Mummy had a hard time getting me to leave the rides for dinner....:p keke

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