Thursday, February 28, 2008


From 8mths to 9mths old, I made more achievements; I know how to make some sound "ba, da, ma, ta". I can even sing songs...hehe.. Towards the end of my 8th month, I start teething. (very late hor, Mummy waited for my tooth to be out till neck long...hehe) My lower central incisor is out but funny leh, many babies come out in pairs but mine only one tooth is out. Is ok, I still can eat lots of food. Aunty next door, cook delicious porridge for me. Today I finished up the whole bowl of porridge..Yummy!!..After my dinner, Daddy will feed me an apple. After my desserts, Daddy find that I'm not enough like want to eat somemore. Today don't know y, I juz feel like eating..hehe.. Mummy asked Daddy to gif me a Rick Rusks (biscuit). Mummy said let me feed myself. I enjoyed the with my small little tooth, I can bite and bite.........keke :p

I enjoying my apple**Yes~wat's up! Oh.. taking pics huh...

Ok... I'm ready to take some pics...

Can see my small little white tooth...? keke
Gif me some time lah... more teeth will be out very soon...haha


Enjoying my biscuit****Don't disturb me, I'm eating...:p

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Aunty Pheng & family came to visit me and Mummy...(finally leh, since my baby shower, they have yet to drop by until today...keke :p) We went to Geylang, the adults all enjoying frog leg porridge. Me onli can drink milk milk. Earlier on, Mummy went to take pics with JunQi kor kor at Merlions. I was sleeping in the car, so I was left out from the pictures taking. Mummy said will ask JunQi kor kor out again to take more pics. Maybe go sentosa.. Aunty Pheng.. u got the message? Go sentosa leh... hehe.....


Take pic lah!... Wat's JunQi kor kor looking at??

JunQi wanted to pose the same as the two Mummies...keke

Mummy & JunQi kor kor..

Mummy & Aunty Pheng..

Do u know y JunQi kor kor pose this way...? Coz he wanted to pose the same as Andy Lau..haha

With Mummy...when trying to take one more pic..he pose Andy Lau again...haha

JunQi kor kor is the centre attraction today...he keep pose as Andy Lau, makes Daddy & Mummy so happy.. Laughing all the way.. I was busying with my teething ring...Onli took one pic..

End of frog leg porridge dinner... so messy!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Mummy has learnt to cook porridge from Aunty next door. Finally... no more lousy porridge!!! Hurray!!! Aunty is a very nice lady; every weekday evening she will cook nice porridge for me and Mummy will cook for me on weekends. So today Mummy has finally cooked a more delicious porridge for me. Hmm..not bad..Mummy has improved! After my lunch, Mummy put me in the playpen and I watched Daddy & Mummy bz packing. After they are done, they carried me and put on nice clothes for me..Hurray!..Gai Gai again.

Happy at the restaurant...

I like this chair..~Winnie the pooh..

With Mummy ~~~ know wat's Daddy doing..? trying to cover his fat face...haha...

Friday, February 15, 2008


For the first day of CNY, our first visitors were S&Q Uncle Auntie....:) I was crawling on the floor, Auntie Q took out her camera and snapped me. Mummy liked the pics very much, find that all the pics Auntie Q took were very natural.. Photos looked a bit like oldies... hehe! Here's my pics.. take alook...:D

Sunday, February 10, 2008



These few days had been very busy..Didn't go many places but still very busy. hehe. Before CNY, Daddy and Mummy were busy spring cleaning the house. Me leh.. nothing to do, juz sleep, drink & play...keke :p Enjoyed my holiday, wat a long long holiday tomolo have to go back to school liao. Mummy had taken many pics during the CNY home visiting. I was a bit cranky lor; don't let ppl to carry me. Only selected ppl can carry me only hor....hehe

First~跟大家拜个年*恭喜发财* :)

初一 we went to 姨婆 house….(father's side)

初二 went to Great Grandma's hse (mom's side), very cranky. 姨婆 carry me, I cry out loud. :(

But when take angbao very happy... :) showing off...

After that we went to Trina's house, she now very big size..younger than me but bigger size than me. See us enjoying our teething stuffs... bite & bite.... hehe

初三 went to carrefour, Daddy, Mummy and S&Q Uncle Auntie do some marketing for steamboat gathering at our house. Mummy didn't take any pics at night coz very bz talking and taking care of me. :)

初四 went to 外公's hse, took quite awhile den can carry me to take this pic...:p

We set off to Keifer's kor kor house.. Wah..! his house got alots of toys..I only played some of it.. saw a see-saw, Mummy let me sit on it.. is fun... :)

After that went to Auntie Pheng's house, play with JunQi kor kor.
JunQi kor kor took a pic with Mummy making funny face.. hehe
Auntie Pheng took this pics... nice hor... I'm smiling... :)

After Auntie Pheng's house, went to 叔公's house.