Sunday, February 24, 2008


Aunty Pheng & family came to visit me and Mummy...(finally leh, since my baby shower, they have yet to drop by until today...keke :p) We went to Geylang, the adults all enjoying frog leg porridge. Me onli can drink milk milk. Earlier on, Mummy went to take pics with JunQi kor kor at Merlions. I was sleeping in the car, so I was left out from the pictures taking. Mummy said will ask JunQi kor kor out again to take more pics. Maybe go sentosa.. Aunty Pheng.. u got the message? Go sentosa leh... hehe.....


Take pic lah!... Wat's JunQi kor kor looking at??

JunQi wanted to pose the same as the two Mummies...keke

Mummy & JunQi kor kor..

Mummy & Aunty Pheng..

Do u know y JunQi kor kor pose this way...? Coz he wanted to pose the same as Andy Lau..haha

With Mummy...when trying to take one more pic..he pose Andy Lau again...haha

JunQi kor kor is the centre attraction today...he keep pose as Andy Lau, makes Daddy & Mummy so happy.. Laughing all the way.. I was busying with my teething ring...Onli took one pic..

End of frog leg porridge dinner... so messy!!

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