Thursday, February 28, 2008


From 8mths to 9mths old, I made more achievements; I know how to make some sound "ba, da, ma, ta". I can even sing songs...hehe.. Towards the end of my 8th month, I start teething. (very late hor, Mummy waited for my tooth to be out till neck long...hehe) My lower central incisor is out but funny leh, many babies come out in pairs but mine only one tooth is out. Is ok, I still can eat lots of food. Aunty next door, cook delicious porridge for me. Today I finished up the whole bowl of porridge..Yummy!!..After my dinner, Daddy will feed me an apple. After my desserts, Daddy find that I'm not enough like want to eat somemore. Today don't know y, I juz feel like eating..hehe.. Mummy asked Daddy to gif me a Rick Rusks (biscuit). Mummy said let me feed myself. I enjoyed the with my small little tooth, I can bite and bite.........keke :p

I enjoying my apple**Yes~wat's up! Oh.. taking pics huh...

Ok... I'm ready to take some pics...

Can see my small little white tooth...? keke
Gif me some time lah... more teeth will be out very soon...haha


Enjoying my biscuit****Don't disturb me, I'm eating...:p

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