Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Birthday~Lucas & Marcus~

It was a great party!!! There was a 'Magic' show, even though I did not really enjoy much myself. I felt that the whole show was too loud. All the Jie Jie and Kor kor would scream and shout every time the Magician Uncle (in red) performed his funny tricks, and the whole place would be so noisy and loud... I had to ask Daddy to bring me out of the party room in order to get away from the noise. Perhaps this was my first time. I'll try to join in the fun the next time.

After the magic show, there were another two events -

1) There was hand painting... You would have to queue up to get your hand nicely painted... When it was Inez Jie Jie's turn, she had requested for a flower paint which she liked it so much after it was done... While waiting for my turn, Mummy had asked me if I wanted to have my hand painted as well... Of cos, I replied "Yes" (out of curiosity) but when it was my turn... I backed out... cos I was shy mah.. Hehe... :)

2) And there was Balloon sculpting... All of us had to queue to get our own balloons... I was rather impatient to get my hands on the balloons and I kept asking Mummy for it, but it didn't help and I had to join the queue. Finally, when it was my turn, I then requested for a flower balloon. As for Natalie, look!!! She had got a bear balloon... :) And we were walking around with our balloons happily. Guess we had found our enjoyment as well :)

Thanks~! Auntie Shihlin for inviting me to Lucas Kor Kor's and Marcus Di Di's birthday party celebration. :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Long Time No See

Got to see my old school friends at IKEA!!! Very happy to see them... We had a great time playing happily together. Mummy, as usual, took out her camera and kept snapping... Hehe...

Auntie Cynthia bought me two sticker books... Wow!!! I liked them so much and they came at the right time cos I have lots of stickers at home but have nowhere to stick them on - until now... Finally!!! Thanks~! Auntie Cynthia. :)

Monday, September 21, 2009


Today was Uncle Charles' (Aloysius's daddy) grand opening of his new shop. It's located at White Sands #01-39... And the name of the shop - FRUZEN YOGUZ... This is a DIY yogurt store where u can mix and match your own yogurt flavours and toppings. Juz need to weigh your filled cup and pay. Yogurt lovers can go check it out...!!!

Well... I didn't really bother what the occasion was; I just kept running around and playing with Aloysius. But I did spot lots of 'gummy bears' sweets at Uncles Charles' shop, I ate so much that Mummy was not very happy. Oops~!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Playing with Cousin Jackie..

Me and my cousin Jackie would sometimes fight and snatch each other's toys, but it's all part of the fun...!!! See?! We were happily playing puzzles and building blocks together... Play, play, play... So much FUN!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to Auntie Wendy!!!

Shannen and I were having lots of fun playing with the drum...!!! Wahahaha...!!! :)

We are celebrating Auntie Wendy's birthday and Mummy had specially ordered an "Udon-lookalike" birthday cake for her - its so nice-looking!!! The eggs and vegetables are all made of jelly. As for the taste of the cake, well... its ok lah...

The candles were lit up and we were ready to sing birthday songs... When I started to sing the first sentence... Ummm... I suddenly realized that the other were not singing along with me... I stopped as I thought I should wait for the rest. Then the singing started, and I quickly followed suit. I was very excited and had wanted to blow the candles and cut the cake as if I was celebrating my birthday... Hehe... Well... That's me - Hazel Lee!!

Mummy had uploaded the video of us singing the birthday song. We had a "mystery" guest with us... It's Heidi Jiejie who came over and play with us... When Mummy asked Heidi jie jie to join us with the birthday celebration, she didn't seem interested. But guess wat she did then..??? Hehe... She had actually climbed up the sofa and had been peeping behind us... Keke... So cuteeeee!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


We were all invited to Jurong West Sports & Recreation Centre for this happy occasion. Pretty little Natalie dressed in all sweet!!! but Shhhh~~... She's sleeping... So pls don't disturb... keke...

Natalie's mummy aka Auntie Violet was Mummy's primary school friend. Let's welcome Auntie Violet to the "Motherhood" club. Hehe... Auntie Pheng was invited too but she was away for a holiday with Uncle Dennis & JunQi kor kor. Auntie Violet gave me a balloon and a "blow-out" toy to enjoy the party.

Daddy~, hurry my balloon ready??

Thanks you Auntie Violet for the invitation.... :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Its FIDGETS again!!... Hehe... Fun! Fun! Fun! Today was Teacher's Day and yes... it's a school holiday for many kids, as the place was very crowded indeed... Well... It didn't stop me from joining in the fun at all...

Just take a look at me and JunQi kor kor... We were having so much fun... JunQi was a little reserved coz it was his first time here anyway... But he warmed up very soon and joined in the fun too... He would choose and play with those stuff which he felt more comfortable with, while I would go all over the place to try out almost everything... Keke...

The slide has always been my favourite... There is this pretty steep slide which I thought I should be accompanied by Daddy to slide down. After a few rounds, I then tried to slide down on my own, but fell on my face and knocked on my lips halfway down the slide. My lips did bleed a bit but quickly stopped after a few mouthfuls of water. And I almost immediately asked Daddy to play the slide with me again... Keke...

Guess who I met there??? My ex-classmate Joelle... She was 'cool' though and didn't really play together with me. I wonder what could be on her mind??? Nevertheless, she was also enjoying herself and both of us did 'hug hug' each other before we left the place... :)

I was playing happily all along until I noticed that my 'gang' was nowhere in sight. Instantly, I cried out for them. To my relief, I saw Uncle Kenneth and the next moment, Daddy came along and brought me over to join JunQi kor kor who had gone over to play at Little Fidgets - a mini playground for kids below 2yrs old. The slide at Little Fidgets was fun too, and it's juz nice for us cos it's not too steep. We could slide down on our own so many times that Mummy even lost count liao... :) Watch us...

After 2hrs of playing, it was time for lunch and we left and headed to Lot1. Upon arrival, this 'car car' caught our attention. Both JunQi kor kor and I quickly hopped into the car, waiting for Auntie Pheng to put in a dollar coin and get the car moving. Thks a lot !!! Auntie Pheng...

What an enjoyable day with JunQi kor kor!!! I'm sure played too much for the whole afternoon and easily dozed off in the car on my way back home... :)