Sunday, June 29, 2008



When I woke up from my afternoon nap, I saw Aunty Q & Uncle S. Well… I was not veri friendly, though. Aunty Q wanted to carry and play with me but whenever she came close and tried to touch me, I would cry and not let her do so. After Aunty Q & Uncle S had left, Mummy was not happy and said “Hazel… Hazel… If you are going to be like that whenever Aunty Q & Uncle S are here, sooner or later they will not be coming to see you anymore… you know?!".....Mummy found that my ‘separation anxiety’ was getting too long a period. Mummy had ever watched a program saying that some baby will have such ‘separation anxiety’ till they reach 18mths old. Mummy was concerned; so she always has been hoping that this will go off soon.

There’s a birthday party today… Yuppee!!! Today was Venice Jie Jie two years old birthday party celebration. Wah!!! No kidding; she really has lots of toys. Once Mummy put me down onto the floor, I started to play the toy puzzles. Her house was so cooling coz it has air-conditioner in her living room. Daddy started to regret again… Sigh… Ummm... NO!!! I meant Daddy stared at Mummy; well… you should know the rest of this old air-con story… HAHAHA!!!

Mummy watched me playing and walking around freely at Venice Jie Jie’s hse. She always wondered why I didn’t do that in our house whenever friends drop by. I would always stick to Daddy & Mummy and not want anyone to touch or come near me. This may be a sign of a need to bring me out to ‘socialize’ more often. Keke!!!

Taking pics with kids, parents are forever ready and the kids juz can't focus..
~With Aunty Gina and Venice jie jie~

Mummy with Venice jie jie and JunQi kor kor

Playing with Venice jie jie ~pics grabbed from venice's site..keke

Look at me..playing happily :)

With Mummy

With Daddy

With Venice & family :) ~haha~ see my wet looked hair, I juz finished my milk. I used lots of energy to drink my milk one hor..*sweating*..keke

Aunty Gina, Aunty Violet & Aunty Pheng

Sunday, June 15, 2008



Card for My Dear Daddy~of coz assisted by teacher, I only contributed my messy hand print..hehe...but Daddy loves my card alot.. :)

Teacher Vicky has recommended good walking shoes (From Clarks) to Mummy as I am able to starting walking on my own. She mentioned that they will be good for my feet coz my feet will be carefully measured to get the correct shoe size. Mummy told Daddy that there’s a Clarks boutique at Vivo City, as seen from a magazine. So, right after my lunch, we set off to Vivo City. You should see the number of cars queuing to go into the carpark. We waited about 10mins before we finally managed to get into the car park. As Daddy was about to start his parking lot search… Aha! Right in front of us, a car was coming out from its parking lot. So lucky!!! No need to do merry-go-round finding for a parking lot. Daddy said: “This is pure skill…” But Mummy and I were thinking in our heart: “Pure Luck!! Keke…” Mummy recalled that the Clarks boutique should be at Level 2. So once in the shopping mall, we started searching around but did not have any luck. We tried the shopping mall directory but it did not indicate Clarks boutique at all. Feeling lost, Mummy then went into MotherCare and asked the sales person for directions. Oops!! The Clarks boutique should be at HarbourFront Centre Level 1 instead. Mummy was so blur. Daddy said: “Alamak!!! Location & level all wrong”. We immediately headed for HarbourFront Centre and bought a nice pair of shoes for me. They are pretty but a bit expensive lor…hehe… Well… My feet are very precious hor…keke; at least, that’s what Daddy and Mummy feel.

I didn’t like the feeling when Mummy put on the shoes for me. I would make noises and point at the shoes whenever Mummy made me walk. It took quite awhile for me to get used to wearing the shoes. As usual, Mummy took a video of me walking at Vivo City with my new shoes on…:)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008



My dear daddy has been taking good care of me. He bathes me, changes my clothes and diapers, feeds me and many more…Yesterday back home, as usual Daddy bathed me, after we’re done with my bath, Daddy carried me to the room and changed me. Mummy was standing right beside us and then she said to Daddy: “Have to cut Hazel’s fingernails; well… why don’t you do it?” And guess what Daddy replied to Mummy???

Daddy’s answer:


1. 爸爸不图Hazel的脸孔;因为实在太容易做.

2. 爸爸不剪Hazel的指甲;因为怕妈妈变懒惰.

3. 爸爸不煮Hazel的饭菜;因为怕妈妈没工做.

Whahaha!. Mummy said “oh ya..wat a good rhyme!!!”. And Mummy walked off....keke

Saturday, June 7, 2008



Its a rainy Saturday... After my lunch, Daddy & Mummy brought me out for shopping. We went to Marine Sq. At Kiddy Palace, Mummy spotted the swim wear section. She was veri excited and rushed to look for a nice suit. Choose and choose, finally got one pink thermal swim suit for me, Size 2. Keke... This swim suit looked thick and Mummy was worried that it might be too warm for me. Mummy now hopes that when I do get into the water with this suit, everything will be juz nice for me.

In the late afternoon, I had my afternoon nap. When I woke up looking blur blur, it took me some time to realize that we were at Suntec Carrefour. And guess who we met?? Hehe... Its Tristan kor kor!!! Tristan kor kor was very happy playing with his new toy. Later in the evening, we went to Tristan kor kor's hse for dinner. At first when we stepped into the house, Mummy was very scared that I would cling onto her like "koala bear" again. Mummy tried to distract me and put me down. I made a bit of noise. Mummy said "its ok... its ok... go play with Tristan kor kor". I saw Tristan kor kor bringing a stacking toy out to play. I walked over and started to play with him and his toy. Mummy was so happy cos she knew she could finally relax and take a short break. Hehe!! I played, walked ard the hse and danced whenever I hear any nice music. Mummy was indeed 'SUPER' happy to see me enjoying myself. She really hoped that I would always keep it this way instead of clinging to her like "koala bear" again. that hv to see my mood lor...keke

Thank you Tristan kor kor for sharing the toys and played with me.

Friday, June 6, 2008



On my birthday, Teacher Vicky returned my pacifier to Mummy. Teacher Vicky said I no longer needed it. Mummy was very surprised coz at home I was still sucking it happily at home...Hehe So Mummy decided to give it a try. At that nite, as usual, I rolled and tossed all over my mattress before I fell asleep. Mummy was looking at me, she's afraid that I will take even longer time to sleep. After awhile Mummy peeped at me, I had closed my eyes liao, ZZzzzzz. Mummy was very happy, I had managed to doze off without my pacifier. hehe... So Mummy continued not to give me. It's been at least one week, since I had last seen my pacifier. Well...I don't know where Mummy put my pacifier now. Mummy must hv kept it somewhere as she dare not throw away, scared one day I may suddenly want it. Keke Mummy wanted to wait for awhile before she will decide to throw the pacifier away. I am now a big girl liao... Pacifier No More!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008



Recently I have mastered how to play stacking. Veri fun and I juz love it. Will keep doing it again and again. :) Watch me.. keke