Tuesday, September 30, 2008


There was a Best Dress Competition today. Well... I didn't know that, and guess what?! Mummy did not buy a cute cute dress for me so I did not win the competition lor... Keke... Anyway, my classmate Joelle & Baby Kaden got the Best Dress awards in the end. Joelle wore a sexy dress and Baby Kaden wore a "ladybird" overall suit. Congrats to them!!! I didn't win any prizes but I got alots of presents. Thanks for all the gifts from my friends and teachers ~tks tks~ *MuAcK*

Sunday, September 28, 2008


We had Ramen for dinner again?! Ya... But I liked it anyway... We were at Tiong Bahru Plz having our dinner. Mummy noticed tat if I were to feed myself, I would tend to play with the food, and end up eating a bit only; so Mummy told Daddy to feed me instead and I did eat a lot. hehe. Nice nice~~!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Shannen & Fernando came to my house and play. Fernando could now sit and crawl; and he was busy biting the toys. Shannen was shy at first, but she soon warmed up and started to join in the fun. We all played happily; well... actually most of the time we played on our own. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today was PTM – Parent Teachers Meeting day. In fact, this PTM seemed more like PFM – Parent Friends Meeting day. I was running about, climbing up and down the chairs again; playing and taking photos with my friends. Then there was one moment when I went “missing”. Daddy was busy eating and Mummy was packing my bottle into my bag and both of them didn’t notice that I had walked away from their sight. Anyway, it didn’t take them too long to realize that as I also couldn’t have run far off. Thereafter, Daddy & Mummy would watch me very closely. Hehe...

The purpose of this Meeting was to allow my teacher-in-charge to share and update Daddy & Mummy on my development and progress in school. This would also give my parents a better understanding on what I have learnt in school. In addition, the school had prepared each individual Portfolio for every kid. As for mine, it had photos of me participating in the daily school activities and the art works I had done. Check out my portfolio which Mummy has uploaded on my blog as a slideshow.


After the busy morning, we headed back home for a “power” nap before setting off for JunQi Kor Kor’s 3rd birthday party celebration at his house. For this year, his birthday theme was “Thomas & Friends” as he had a big “Thomas & Friends” birthday banner. I was busying playing with toys and was as usual snatching toys from the little friends who were there for the celebration. I thought I was naughty again as Mummy had kept reminding me to share toys with others. Mummy almost wanted to give up liao. Guess I have to try harder the next time. When it was the cake cutting session, Aunty Pheng brought out the chocolate ice-cream cake and a “Thomas & Friends” jelly. All the kids gathered together excitedly and waited the candles to be lit up before we sang the classic Birthday song to JunQi Kor Kor and blew out the candles together. I had a slight cough, so no ice-cream cake for me, but Mummy did let me have some of the jelly. Yummy! Nice~nice~!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My first passport and Marcus 1st BIRTHDAY

Early in the morning, right after I had my milk. Mummy quickly changed me as we prepared to go out. Oops!!! I poo-pooed. Mummy and Daddy then quickly cleaned up the mess and changed my diapers again. I guess we were gonna be late for some appointment as Daddy drove very fast even though it was raining. I wonder where exactly are we heading? The car then stopped and I guessed that we had reached our destination. We met up with Uncle S who helped us get a queue number while Daddy was parking his car. Wow!!! Inside the building, there were so many people. I spotted Auntie Q and we all waited for about 15 minutes before our numbers were called. At the designated counter, Daddy checked the paper documents while Mummy asked me to lift up my head to say “Hello” to an Auntie in a black jacket. Mummy then showed me a book, which has my photo inside. Mummy said to me: “Hazel, this is your Passport”. Haha!!! Finally… I can now travel overseas. Now that my passport is ready, let’s see when Mummy is “ready” to bring me out of Singapore. Wahaha!

I was invited to my classmate Marcus’s 1st birthday party celebration today. The party was held at a very nice place – the function room with full glass windows at all sides. You could actually see the swimming pool around the function room. I enjoyed myself at the party, playing the balloons with another of my classmate Joelle. We played climbing up and down the chairs too. We also kept walking around the room and Mummy was as usual afraid that I would knock my head at the edge of the tables and so she followed me wherever I went. I could sense that Mummy was tired catching me but I couldn’t stop enjoying myself too. Hehe!

There were two long tables of buffet food for the guests and not forgetting the babies and toddlers, Marcus’s mummy cooked special porridge as well!! The other mummies really appreciated the porridge which saved them the time and efforts. Yummy!!! The porridge was filled with fish, carrot and broccoli.

Friday, September 12, 2008


We had a mini lantern festival celebration today in school. Mummy bought me a ‘Hello Kitty’ lantern to enjoy the celebration. In the evening when Daddy and Mummy came to pick me up, Teacher Vicki passed Mummy a handmade Lantern which had some messy paint made out from my own hands. Keke… Well… Just one note; my Chinese name was written wrongly. Oops!!! Mummy was telling Daddy, I’ve been with the school for so long, and they actually thought my Chinese name was the one on the lantern. So sad…!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I had my nap at 12pm and slept for a whole 2hrs. It was then time for my porridge lunch. I noticed that Daddy was not at home; he sneaked out for his soccer game while I was sleeping. Mummy wanted to prepare the porridge for me so she put me in my high chair. I thought that Mummy was too slow and I soon started to make noises again~! Mummy could not concentrate on her cooking, hence she let me play her laptop just to keep me quiet. Hehe!!! I tried my hands on the keyboard and also played with the mouse. That was only part of the whole plan; Mummy was actually finding some ways to get rid of her laptop, so she used me as the scapegoat. Well… It did not really work out as planned cos I am such a gentle little kid.

I met up with Aloysius, and one of my other school buddies, Joelle, in the afternoon. Mummy likes Joelle with her pretty curly long hair and she would always mention that she’s looking forward to me having my long hair so that she can help me tie them up. Hehe… (ya ya.. wait wait.. My hair is growing steadily). Later in the evening, we had “Ramen” for dinner, and me, that was the first time I fed myself with MY OWN HANDS!!! Hahaha!!! It was all thanks to Joelle’s mummy who let Joelle feed herself with both her own hands and sometimes a spoon as well. Joelle’s mummy did highlight that we kids would get dirty, so the parents would just have to clean up after every meal. Aloysius and I followed suit, and we really enjoyed ourselves too. Keke! After the dinner, Aloysius went home early cos his sleeping time was usually earlier than me and Joelle who were still full of energy. We went to play car rides which I remembered that I had played the same car ride with Tristan kor kor before. When it was time to go home, I got cranky cos I wanted to carry on playing. Guess Mummy & Daddy were quite disappointed with me again. Sigh… No choice. I am still a kid and I always like to have fun.

Saturday, September 6, 2008



Lionel and Adelle are indeed a pair of lovely siblings. They would always play together and during the cutting cake session, they kissed each other. Isn’t that sweet!!! As for me, I grabbed some balloons and started having fun too; bouncing the balloons off between Auntie Q’s head and mine. What a lot of fun!!!

There’s a mini playground for the kids; and I was really enjoying myself playing the slide. Daddy and Mummy were so scared that I would fall down. Well… I didn’t care at all…. I kept climbing up and down the slide so many times that Daddy & Mummy almost ran out of energy and they eventually decided to take turns to watch over me. I actually didn’t want to leave at all when it was time to go; I got cranky and started crying. Daddy and Mummy first thought it’s my milk feeding time but after drinking my milk, I remained cranky. Anyway Daddy and Mummy set off for Plaza Sing when we reached Plaza Sing, I was “KO”; too tired after all the fun at KFC.

Monday, September 1, 2008