Sunday, November 30, 2008


Play catching with Yutong Jie Jie. Exciting and Fun!...See how fast I can run!!!!!

Look at me and Yutong Jie Jie... We were sooooo enjoy...Wahahaha!!

Yutong Jie Jie was watching one of my laughing video...Me juz kpo beside... :p

Playing car car...I'm dreaming behind...keke

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Mummy suspected that this apple juice had worsened my cough as I had a very bad phlegmy cough after finishing that packet. :(

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Today went for my 18mths jab. Here’s a photo of my favourite doctor – Dr Chan, at his Dawson place clinic.

My latest growth chart:

Weight : 11.5kg
Height : 79cm (Not very accurate, coz I was wearing my shoes)
Head Circumference : 46.5cm

After we left the clinic, we headed to Tiong Bahru plaza for Long John Silver breakfast. That’s Daddy and Mummy favourite breakfast. But not for me as yet... No worries; Mummy had prepared my favourite bread for me. :)

This picture was taken at Tiong Bahru, Mummy felt that I look a lot like Daddy in these few pictures. Hmmm.... Do I really look like Daddy??

In the afternoon, little Cousin Jackie came to my house... Mummy decided to hand-me-down my rocker swing chair to Jackie since I was no longer using it. Jackie felt so comfortable sitting on it. I sayang Jackie and shared my toys to him. I am a good jie jie rite?? hehe!

Friday, November 21, 2008


We, the daddies, mummies and the kiddies all met up to have frog porridge for dinner right after school. Mummy was too busy feeding me, so no photos were taken at the restaurant. I got cheeky after a while; kept climbing up and down the chair. When we were about to leave the restaurant, I got cranky as I still wanted to continue playing the chair. After a hopeless struggle Mummy carried me out of the restaurant. It was Friday night and the daddies and mummies didn't feel like ending the night so early, so we all popped over to Joelle's house for a drink & chat. Wah~! Joelle has soooooo many toys... Look at the pics... We were so joyful playing with them...

Look at Marcus....he is soooo cuteeee! hehe...He was drinking orange juice.. Cute right?? hehe

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Heard "Hello~~!" It's Aunty Cynthia and Yutong Jie Jie at my doorstep. I had a great time playing with Yutong Jie Jie and we were laughing happily all the while. We had lunch together at home when Mummy and Aunty Cynthia had decided to go shopping at IMM Jurong. Mummy was so excited; she quickly packed my bag and off we went. While in the car, Mummy realized that she forgot to pack my milk powder. Aiyo!!! I could not believe it… No milk after my nap… Blur Mummy… No choice, Mummy had to feed me bread instead lor...

We were going for early dinner (coz no Milk for me..hehe) at "Aji Sen Ramen" restaurant. However, before the dinner started, I was making noise as I had been eyeing at the car ride. Daddy & Mummy took some time to make me sit down to have my dinner. Right after our dinner, me and Yutong Jie Jie quickly rushed to play the car ride… and both us enjoyed the car ride very much.... :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This video was took on 3Nov Monday, its was perfect as I didn't pick the wrong card but hor......the camera battery FLAT! haha...It stopped at "number 7".

Mummy nvr give up. This time she make sure the camera battery is full, start recording right after my dinner. This time I picked some of the wrong number card but Daddy will give me chance to pick again...hehe! Watch me when I'm picking "Number 5", I dance abit before picking up the card. Mummy finds cute. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Great Grandma came and we were having a great time!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Guess who I met at the swimming pool today? It was Ysabelle jie jie!!! We used to be in the same class, but she is now my senior as she has been promoted to Zion Kids gang. I am still Zion Babies gang. We are very happy to see each other; we will hug each other whenever we meet in school.

This time I could walk in the pool without the float, Daddy will look after me coz I was still not very steady. Tell you something… I like the play slide (by the poolside) so much. After Daddy slide me down a few times, I started to be more daring and wanted to climb up the stairs myself. I even tried to stand on my own at the top of the slide but Daddy and Mummy were so afraid that I would fall and hurt myself. I didn't listen to them, so Daddy had no choice but to carry me away safely. I cried out loud!!! I really liked to play the slide but Mummy kept telling me "Cannot!" and showed me the notice board which clearly stated "for 2yrs to 12 yrs only". Guess I just have to wait a while more before I can go up alone. Mummy suggested that if I do want to play, I must let Daddy hold me; if not, I will not have the swimming session again. Think I better be good.