Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Birthday~Daddy~!

Happy Birthday to Daddy~~~!

Had a wonderful birthday dinner celebration for Daddy at Dian Xiao Er restaurant. Look at my happy face...look more like it's my birthday... hehe~!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Anthea Turns One & Daddy Advance Birthday!!

Little Anthea turns One.... Wow!!! Look at the pinky princess cake... so sweet!!! When it comes to birthday party, I'm always ready to sing the birthday songs, blow the candles and cut the cake.....!!!

Look at me... I also wanted to cut the cake... Hehe... Where's Anthea?? Oh... She had her milk and took a nap right after singing the birthday song... She looked very tired and kept rubbing her eyes, so Tristan kor kor and I took on the cutting cake role... Keke!!!

Look at the nice birthday banner... It's Mummy favourite "Precious Moments".. And the Camera Lady - its Queenie Yee Yee... She helped to take photos of the party. She looked so PRO... Keke...

Enjoyed myself very much... Auntie Stella had also prepared a wonderful goodies bag for all the children who attended the party... Nice pink Barney bags...:)

Thanks u, Auntie Stella for the invitation... Next month will be Tristan kor kor's birthday... Wow! Another party again.. :)


In the evening, we had an early birthday celebration for Daddy as 小姑 would not be free on the actual day... :) Love u deep deep, Daddy!! :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Let's go shopping... We are going to shop for Anthea's 1st birthday presents for tomorrow... :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Mummy finally let me play with the Play-Doh set... It was a gift from 大姑丈. I had so much fun playing with it... Daddy taught me how to roll a ball, press the shapes out, etc... I like it... :)

Daddy made a little girl out of the play-doh... I then requested a car for the girl... Look at Daddy's artwork... Hehe... What do you think huh...?? Keke...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's a Great Day!!

Early in the morning, I could hear "Go Hazel's hse, go Hazel's hse.." It was Heidi jie jie. She kept asking her mummy (Auntie Shirley) to let her come over to my house coz she wanted to play with me... Hehe... My drum set has always been a very good entertainment toy for all my friends. Everyone would play with this drum set but Mummy finds it a bit too noisy... :)

After Heidi jie jie had left, I had another little friend coming to my house... See I'm very fully booked during wkend.. hehe.. It's shannen.. Daddy had got this nice writing table and chairs for me at Tampines IKEA. It was an order by Mummy to tell Daddy to get them while I was attending my Ros Class. Hehe... Mummy likes this table and chairs very much... Look at me and Shannen, we were enjoying our drawings on this little pinky table...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

PTM & Mooncake Festival

Today, it's PTM - Parents and Teachers Meeting to review my progress for Term 3... We kids were left to play amongst ourselves... My two Portfolios (English and Chinese) were very thick, Mummy was lazy to post up all, so she juz attached the covering letters as follows... Keke... Times files...! Term 3 ended liao.

Due to our big-sized class, we were divided into two groups; Kindness class and Faith class. I went over to Faith class... Mummy forgot to take a picture of the Kindness class. Saw me in the pic with my favourite teacher "Liu Lao Shi"?! Keke... Why?! Coz whenever Mummy scolds me, I will always say "I want Lao Shi"... Hehe.. And Mummy can only accept the fact... Oops!!!

While waiting for our turns to talk to my teachers... Mummy felt very restless and went into the toilet to take some photos... All these white trays contain our individual diapers, nanny rash creams, etc... See my personal tray circled in red?!... Hehe...

While Mummy was busy taking photos... Guess what I was doing? You're rite!!! I was busy playing with my friends... Hahahaha......


We had planned to go downstairs to celebrate the mooncake festival and enjoy the traditional lighted lantern activity but it was raining in the evening and the ground was quite wet... Sigh... Mummy had actually asked Cousin Jackie to come our house for the fun but a pity that all of us could not go down... Nevertheless, that did not dampen our mood for the night as we decided to play with our lanterns at home instead... Haha... Good idea rite?! Mummy then switched off the lights in the living room to set up the ambience for our fun with our lanterns... Wow!!! And Heidi jie jie also joined in together too...

My beautiful Hello Kitty lantern was a gift from my neighbour auntie...Thanks u, Auntie...:)

For an offer of a marshmallow, I happily posed with my two aunties... Nowadays, we kids also need to work hard for food... Keke... And there is our Cousin Jackie family photo..:)

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Mummy has bought this whole lot of treat boxes for my classmates. There are several stuff: a cup, a box of crayons, a tattoo sticker and a mini activity book. Mummy added a pack of mini gummy bears sweets in the box. Look at the treat boxes - aren't they nice?? Hehe... Interested?! Check it out at "Party in a bag". It certainly makes a nice and budget gift for any party. :)

Parents are invited to contribute nice food (pot luck) on this special day. Mummy chose to make sandwiches for us... And I do like Salmon Mayo sandwich. :)

My presents!!!

Our dress code for school today party is "International Traditions". This cute little Korean dress which I was wearing belongs to Heidi jie jie. Thank you, Auntie Shirley for offering to lend me this dress :)

The orange bear bottle I'm posing with - it's a gift from Aunite XueBing... Thank u...!

Wishing all a Happy Children's Day!!! Thanks for all the presents from my friends and teachers. :)