Sunday, October 18, 2009

Anthea Turns One & Daddy Advance Birthday!!

Little Anthea turns One.... Wow!!! Look at the pinky princess cake... so sweet!!! When it comes to birthday party, I'm always ready to sing the birthday songs, blow the candles and cut the cake.....!!!

Look at me... I also wanted to cut the cake... Hehe... Where's Anthea?? Oh... She had her milk and took a nap right after singing the birthday song... She looked very tired and kept rubbing her eyes, so Tristan kor kor and I took on the cutting cake role... Keke!!!

Look at the nice birthday banner... It's Mummy favourite "Precious Moments".. And the Camera Lady - its Queenie Yee Yee... She helped to take photos of the party. She looked so PRO... Keke...

Enjoyed myself very much... Auntie Stella had also prepared a wonderful goodies bag for all the children who attended the party... Nice pink Barney bags...:)

Thanks u, Auntie Stella for the invitation... Next month will be Tristan kor kor's birthday... Wow! Another party again.. :)


In the evening, we had an early birthday celebration for Daddy as 小姑 would not be free on the actual day... :) Love u deep deep, Daddy!! :)

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