Saturday, October 3, 2009

PTM & Mooncake Festival

Today, it's PTM - Parents and Teachers Meeting to review my progress for Term 3... We kids were left to play amongst ourselves... My two Portfolios (English and Chinese) were very thick, Mummy was lazy to post up all, so she juz attached the covering letters as follows... Keke... Times files...! Term 3 ended liao.

Due to our big-sized class, we were divided into two groups; Kindness class and Faith class. I went over to Faith class... Mummy forgot to take a picture of the Kindness class. Saw me in the pic with my favourite teacher "Liu Lao Shi"?! Keke... Why?! Coz whenever Mummy scolds me, I will always say "I want Lao Shi"... Hehe.. And Mummy can only accept the fact... Oops!!!

While waiting for our turns to talk to my teachers... Mummy felt very restless and went into the toilet to take some photos... All these white trays contain our individual diapers, nanny rash creams, etc... See my personal tray circled in red?!... Hehe...

While Mummy was busy taking photos... Guess what I was doing? You're rite!!! I was busy playing with my friends... Hahahaha......


We had planned to go downstairs to celebrate the mooncake festival and enjoy the traditional lighted lantern activity but it was raining in the evening and the ground was quite wet... Sigh... Mummy had actually asked Cousin Jackie to come our house for the fun but a pity that all of us could not go down... Nevertheless, that did not dampen our mood for the night as we decided to play with our lanterns at home instead... Haha... Good idea rite?! Mummy then switched off the lights in the living room to set up the ambience for our fun with our lanterns... Wow!!! And Heidi jie jie also joined in together too...

My beautiful Hello Kitty lantern was a gift from my neighbour auntie...Thanks u, Auntie...:)

For an offer of a marshmallow, I happily posed with my two aunties... Nowadays, we kids also need to work hard for food... Keke... And there is our Cousin Jackie family photo..:)

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