Monday, January 28, 2008


Time flies very fast; I'm now 8mths old. From 7mths to 8mths, I have made some achievement. I have learnt how to sit up by myself, last time i used to do leopard-crawl using my tummy, and I now know how to use my knees to crawl..Recently I have also learnt how to stand with support. Mummy had listened to Auntie Pheng who then advised not to keep the playpen, coz it allows me to stay inside and play on my own while Mummy can do her own things; at the same time, I will be able to learn to stand up using my hands support too. And I did it. I still remember the last time I stood up in playpen and was not very steady. My legs will wobbly and then i fall back on bed. Now I'm more steady as I keep practice to stand up. hehe... Now whenever I managed to stand up in the playpen, Mummy will play "Peek-a-boo" with me. Now playpen is back but sometime I will be confine inside. (the playpen is for playing only, not for sleeping) Is ok, I know how to get out, my whining Mummy cannot take it one sure she will release me from playpen....:p keke Today I'm not feeling well, coughing still. Daddy & Mummy came to fetch me, I looked tired and my smile was not much. Mummy tried to take some pics of me. I juz entertain her, smile abit lor. Hope tomorrow will get better.

This is the best i can do~pics abit blur coz I keep moving...:)

Mummy took this video yday..Great-Grandma will be happy to see it :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Today very happy, we went shopping at Marina Sq & Suntec. Mummy bought some new clothes for me. Daddy got headache again, cos Mummy was spending money like nobody's business...hehe....but things are bought for me so Daddy is ok...:) Mummy let me wear a top which has a hood on the back. When Mummy put the hood onto on my head, she thought its so cuteee... Today kept taking pics of me. Mummy liked this shirt so much. The whole day kept covering my head with the hood. Today enjoyed the shopping but I think I am having a slight cough. When we finally reached home, Mummy fed me some cough medicine hoping that tomorrow I will be better if not I have to go c Dr Chan again...:(

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yesterday Daddy & Mummy came to fetch me as usual. I was sitting on the mat playing and biting a toy . So many toys on the mat. Mummy got excited again; asked Teacher Rovena to help take some pics of me because my principal was around at that time. There is a school rule that parents are not allowed into the school compound. Teacher Rovena is a very nice lady, she always teaches Mummy good advices and tips on motherhood. She recommends body cream that is good for babies, websites about babies and many many....She has a son, named Adriel - same birthday as me, also in the same school. Me and Adriel are 28May baby. :) Adriel is already teething...oh no...Mummy says my gum shows no sign of teething yet. So guess have to wait lor... keke...

See my shocking face...?! hehe... I was enjoying tasting one nice toy when Daddy & Mummy came. Oops, Mummy never likes me to put everything into my mouth. By the way, the one showing the backside is Adriel.

Don't care liao, continue to eat my toy. What can Mummy do? She does not bear to beat or scold me one. I'm very sure. Somemore got Daddy to "take care" of me... Keke... And hey... Can you see Adriel? He's hiding behind me. Wahahaha....

OOPS!!! Have to stop eating liao. Mummy is calling liao. Ah ha, now you can see Adriel's face. hehe...

Friday, January 18, 2008


Today is Mummy's Birthday. Gong Gong, Big Aunt, Small Aunt & Small Uncle came to celebrate for Mummy. A beautiful cake but I couldn't eat...hehe.. Big Aunt & Small Aunt wanted to take pics with me. A bit late liao; and I was getting tired, my face was blur blur. hehe... Mummy enjoyed the celebration. My one-year-old Birthday is coming very soon and by then I should be able to find out how a cake tastes like....:p

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Yesterday Great-Grandma called Mummy, asked y no video upload. She said that Mummy always uploads my pictures, but Great-Grandma wants to see my videos as well. Hehe.. So Mummy took a video of me playing and laughing on my new bed floor mattress. I was looking at the mirror while Daddy did funny faces to make me laugh. Mummy ordered Daddy not to make noise coz she wanted to let Great-Grandma hear my laughing sound.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Daddy & Mummy came to school and fetched me home. Mummy saw my record; today I finished half a bowl of cereals. Mummy talked to the teacher very long, asking when can I start to eat porridge in school. Connie teacher told mummy can start very soon once I can finished every meal of half bowl cereals. Mummy was happy and asked what porridge they provide in school. Connie teacher said got fish porridge, veg porridge, pumpkin porridge etc...Mummy was happy coz she's worried why the school haven't started porridge for me. When we reached home, as usual Mummy will put me in playpen and let me play on my own. Mummy went to change, tied up her hairs, prepared to bath me. While Mummy was busy, I rolled on the bed, turned and turned then i held onto the bed handle and stood up. Mummy saw it and told Daddy that I cannot sleep in playpen anymore coz she was scared that if i wake up quietly and stand up, it will be very dangerous. Mummy had already bought two extra mattresses and had wanted to lay them out this weekend. Instead, Daddy & Mummy were busy laying the mattress and keeping the playpen tonight. Bye bye playpen, been sleeping since the first day I'm home.

~~Playing in playpen happily~~

1~Holding on handle*******2~Trying to stand*****

3~Manage to stand, hmm wat's inside :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Today I woke up at 8am, Daddy & Mummy were still sleeping. I flipped left & right making lots of sound "" Mummy woke up and carried me to her bed. Played for awhile, carried me to living room coz Daddy was still sleeping. I was in a very good mood, Mummy said " smile" and I smile..Quickly she took out her hp and snap me.. hehe

Mummy... Snap...Snap...Snap......:)

In the afternoon, Mummy said got two friends coming to play with me. While playing on my playmat I saw Delfine jie jie and Kiefer kor kor at the gate. Hurray! They are here to play with me. I was very happy, smile and smile. Delfine Jie Jie make noise to make me smile and sayang my face. Kiefer kor kor keep calling me.."mei mei...mei mei".

With Delfine jie jie and Keifer kor kor..
Oops..I'm not properly dressed up....:)

After they left, I am also tired. Mummy patted me and i took my nap.. Today very happy, hope Delfine jie jie and keifer kor kor will come and play with me again.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Mummy looking at my videos..Videos are from old blog. Mummy decided to post some of her favourites to my new blog here.
Happy Watching!!!

I don't want to drink milk, Mummy played with me..

Laughing all the way..

Look Who's Talking

Hold milk bottle @ 6mths

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year!! Welcome 2008!

Today went to Auntie Pheng's house again. The other day I played with a trolley, this time saw a car...Daddy was carrying me, I was looking at the red car. This car was a gift from Mummy for JunQi kor kor's one years old . Daddy let me try on the car. I sat on it and then I started to move backwards...hehe Daddy was scared I would fall off the car so I only sat awhile. Mummy decided to buy one for me when I'm one years old...:)

This is the car car.....:)
After we left Auntie Pheng's house, Mummy said we wanted to go NTUC buy apple for me. Mummy wanted to make some apple juice for me. So we headed to NTUC. The apple cost 60cents, in the end Daddy spent $100.60..haha! Mummy said, oh buy chips etc....keke While shopping, Daddy was pushing a trolley and asked Mummy if I could sit in the trolley. Mummy said ok try, wah.. so interesting.. Daddy held my arms and pushed me. Took some pics.. :)