Saturday, January 5, 2008


Today I woke up at 8am, Daddy & Mummy were still sleeping. I flipped left & right making lots of sound "" Mummy woke up and carried me to her bed. Played for awhile, carried me to living room coz Daddy was still sleeping. I was in a very good mood, Mummy said " smile" and I smile..Quickly she took out her hp and snap me.. hehe

Mummy... Snap...Snap...Snap......:)

In the afternoon, Mummy said got two friends coming to play with me. While playing on my playmat I saw Delfine jie jie and Kiefer kor kor at the gate. Hurray! They are here to play with me. I was very happy, smile and smile. Delfine Jie Jie make noise to make me smile and sayang my face. Kiefer kor kor keep calling me.."mei mei...mei mei".

With Delfine jie jie and Keifer kor kor..
Oops..I'm not properly dressed up....:)

After they left, I am also tired. Mummy patted me and i took my nap.. Today very happy, hope Delfine jie jie and keifer kor kor will come and play with me again.

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