Monday, January 28, 2008


Time flies very fast; I'm now 8mths old. From 7mths to 8mths, I have made some achievement. I have learnt how to sit up by myself, last time i used to do leopard-crawl using my tummy, and I now know how to use my knees to crawl..Recently I have also learnt how to stand with support. Mummy had listened to Auntie Pheng who then advised not to keep the playpen, coz it allows me to stay inside and play on my own while Mummy can do her own things; at the same time, I will be able to learn to stand up using my hands support too. And I did it. I still remember the last time I stood up in playpen and was not very steady. My legs will wobbly and then i fall back on bed. Now I'm more steady as I keep practice to stand up. hehe... Now whenever I managed to stand up in the playpen, Mummy will play "Peek-a-boo" with me. Now playpen is back but sometime I will be confine inside. (the playpen is for playing only, not for sleeping) Is ok, I know how to get out, my whining Mummy cannot take it one sure she will release me from playpen....:p keke Today I'm not feeling well, coughing still. Daddy & Mummy came to fetch me, I looked tired and my smile was not much. Mummy tried to take some pics of me. I juz entertain her, smile abit lor. Hope tomorrow will get better.

This is the best i can do~pics abit blur coz I keep moving...:)

Mummy took this video yday..Great-Grandma will be happy to see it :)

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