Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today was a long rainy day, we were going to a BBQ party at Auntie SL's hse (Marcus' mummy). The weather was quite cold, Mummy thought that there probably would not be any swimming session, and so we set off without my swim gear.

When we reached Auntie SL's hse, Auntie Kelly (Natalie & Ashley's mummy) said "OK... No rain liao; let's all go for a swim." Oops... I had no swim gear. No worries, Auntie SL lent me Lucas kor kor's old swim wear so that I could join in the fun with the rest. Hehe....Hurray~! Me got to play the water slide again.....

Look at me wearing Lucas kor kor's swim suit.. It fits so well :) Tks Auntie SL for saving my day. This is really my favourite water playground...

My friends all enjoyed very much in the pool too!!!

And this is Auntie Kelly. While all Daddies and the little kids were swimming, she was busy cooking the food... Mummy also helped out a bit lah... Tat probably explained for only a few photos of our swimming session.

At nite while we were enjoying the food, Mummy forgot to bring the camera down as she left it in Auntie SL's hse. So no photos again.... Sigh... :(

Friday, August 28, 2009


Mummy had been cracking her head; she's been thinking of getting a nice gift for my teachers on this coming Teacher's Day... Finally, she decided to make some bookmarks which I probably could help out as well.

Firstly, I posed with my own writing board, with the words "Happy Teacher's Day" written on it by Daddy, for Mummy to take a picture. Sounded easy but Mummy did had a very hard time taking one nice shot as I either kept moving about or my smile was not right... Hehe... Finally, we managed to take one shot which we decided was the best... Keke... That photo was for the making of the bookmarks... And I pasted my photo on each of the flower-shaped bookmarks. Mummy had to adjust the photo as I did not always paste it at the exact spot. As for the bookmark strings, they were all tied by Mummy.. :)

See, all done... Nice ??? hehe

We had planned to give all the bookmarks to all my teachers today as school will be closed on the following Monday and Tuesday. Mummy had asked me to give the bookmarks to every teacher but at that time, I only gave the bookmarks to 刘老师... She is my favourite Chinese teacher... Hehe...

Thank you all of my Teachers for the love and care... "Happy Teacher's Day"

Sunday, August 16, 2009


We had a small gathering at Marcus' house... I felt a bit uneasy when I initially stepped into the water pool; but I soon began to enjoy myself with my friends..... :)

The slide was my favourite as I would keep playing with it... Daddy was getting quite tired coz he had to keep up with me in order to ensure my safety... Keke...
Look at Aloysius and Marcus!!! They enjoyed the water play very much too....

I am looking forward to the next water play session again... Heard that Marcus' Mummy had booked the BBQ pit next to the water pool.... Wah..~!!! It's going to be another party time soon...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Happy Birthday to Singapore!!! See Mummy and me in red and white.. We were ready to set off... To Where??... No... Not NDP. We’re going to Big Aunt's house cos it was her birthday and we had lots of fun playing with their newly bought WII games… It was great fun for all of us!!!

大姑丈 grabbed his golden chance to hug and get closed to me while we were playing WII together (coz I’ve always been very ‘dao’ and don’t really let him get close to me.)

We went for a swim too. It was my little cousin Jackie’s first time in the pool. He was already very nervous and when I accidentally threw the water gun and hit him, he started crying out loud almost immediately. But it only took him a while to quickly settle down and get used to the water around him... Well... He is, after all, a boy mah... Can get over very fast... Hehe...

It was time to sing my favourite birthday songs and cut birthday cake... Everyone asked me to sing; it did make me a bit shy leh... And though I sang the songs very softly, I was really quick to blow the candles and cut the cake... Haha...

Indeed, we had a really wonderful day at 大姑's house. On our way home in the car, I had gone ZZZzzzzzz liao...

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I had great fun with Shannen at her house. We danced, sang and took pictures together. We are a pair of good buddies, just like Mummy and Auntie Wendy.. :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Happy Birthday!!! Little Cousin Jackie... We went to his hse for his 1st Birthday party and honestly, I had enjoyed myself very much... As usual, when I had juz reached Jackie's hse, I would need to warm up coz there were too many people in the house. Well... it did take a while for me to finally break the ice, start to play and even snatch Jackie's toys... Oops!!

Here’s some photos as evidence – I snatched Jackie's toys...keke

Jackie was also enjoying eating his ‘BabyBites’ biscuits... Hehe...

Photo taking session.. :)

Look at me...I was enjoying myself so much as I kept jumping on Small Aunt's bed and playing with Jackie's toys.. :)

It was my favourite cake-cutting session :) Look at me... I also tried to blow the candle and cut the cake... Hehe... As if I was celebrating my own birthday hor.. keke

It was then time to go home... While on the way back, I was quite tired and slept in the car... ZZZzzzzz.... Guess I had played too much liao...

Saturday, August 1, 2009


After our dinner with Aloysius & his family, we went straight to catch the fireworks display show. Actually, it was the adults’ plan and I was not aware of the plan, but I still happily followed along. We headed back to Peninsula Plaza where we parked our cars. Actually, I forgot to mention that we had earlier sat and took a lift together in our own car up to its top level carpark... Wow!!! A car lift... (It was our first time for the Lee family!!! Hehe!!!) Well... It seemed to be a little known fact that the location would be an ideal spot for viewing the Fireworks display bcos of its unblocked view. We only waited for about 10mins when suddenly, the fireworks started with its first shining light and loud “booming” sound. Daddy quickly carried me up and Mummy excitedly took some videos of the fireworks. Actually, I didn't enjoy the fireworks at all. Think I was not used to the loud sounds. In fact, I kept silent and hugged Daddy very tightly during the whole fireworks display session.

Mummy realized that and felt bad about it, so she hugged me during our way back home. Mummy then asked me: "U like fireworks?" I replied: "NO! I don’t like loud sound." Nevertheless, Mummy did upload the videos for those who may wish to view the fireworks... :) Mummy had then assured me that she would only bring me to see the fireworks whenever I’m ‘ready’... :p