Sunday, August 2, 2009


Happy Birthday!!! Little Cousin Jackie... We went to his hse for his 1st Birthday party and honestly, I had enjoyed myself very much... As usual, when I had juz reached Jackie's hse, I would need to warm up coz there were too many people in the house. Well... it did take a while for me to finally break the ice, start to play and even snatch Jackie's toys... Oops!!

Here’s some photos as evidence – I snatched Jackie's toys...keke

Jackie was also enjoying eating his ‘BabyBites’ biscuits... Hehe...

Photo taking session.. :)

Look at me...I was enjoying myself so much as I kept jumping on Small Aunt's bed and playing with Jackie's toys.. :)

It was my favourite cake-cutting session :) Look at me... I also tried to blow the candle and cut the cake... Hehe... As if I was celebrating my own birthday hor.. keke

It was then time to go home... While on the way back, I was quite tired and slept in the car... ZZZzzzzz.... Guess I had played too much liao...

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