Sunday, November 29, 2009


Mummy had been nagging Daddy: "When will u ever want to set up the Christmas Tree?"... Finally Daddy dug out our Christmas Tree from the store room... I was very curious and excited. I kept trying to help hang the decorations up onto the tree... Actually I can't help much, instead I was more like messing up the decorations... Mummy was relieved that I didn't destroy the tree after the whole decoration set-up... Haha!
Our Christmas tree is up now...~Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way...~

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Birthday To Tristan Kor Kor

Tristan kor kor turned 4 today!! His BIG party was held at Toa Payoh Safra~Kids' Amaze playground... Fun! Fun! Fun! Parents were not allowed to go into the playground with us kids, but that didn't stop me from enjoying myself anyway, except when I climbed high up in the playground, I didn't know which direction to go...and to climb down back to my ball area (Safe zone)... Guess I need some time to build up more confidence... Hehe... Shannen was also enjoying herself very much. :)

When it was cake cutting time, I did the same stuff - Sang songs and tried to cut the cake... Shannen joined in the fun too... Hehe...

I did extra this time - after the cake cutting, I offered to help pass the cake slices to the guests... Mummy was surprisingly delighted!!! Nevertheless, as usual, she was afraid I might drop the cake slices, so she would keep following me while I'm serving them... :) Mummy sure was proud of me :)

And not forgetting to take a family photo of us... Hehe!!!

Thanks~Auntie Stella for the invitation.. :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Playground, Kaden and Shannen

Daddy brought me downstairs to the nearby playground... I was 'super' happy!!! Mummy was at home cooking lunch for me... So it's just me and Daddy... Hehe...
As usual, Daddy had two following tasks from Mummy :
1) To take good care of me

2) To take nice photos of me

Haha... Look at those photos... Not too bad right... Keke... I played for almost an hour and when I was back home, my face was very red. It was a sunny day and the weather was really warm but nothing could stop me from playing... Keke...

After my afternoon nap, we went to meet up with my former classmate - Kaden... When we first reached Kaden's hse, I did feel a bit reserved but something attracted me at the other end of his house... There's the "Thomas & Friends" train... Hehe... Juz need to sit on the train, push down the button and it will start to move on its own tracks... Wah~!!! That really warmed me up very easily... Kaden and I took turns to sit on the train... Even though we couldn't really sit together on the train, I would keep calling Kaden to join me while I was sitting on the train... Keke...And he has a BIG barney at home. The barney can sing!! What a nice gathering... Looking forward to our next meet-up... :)

We then left Kaden's hse and headed to Vivo city to meet Uncle Melvin, Auntie Wendy and Shannen. While walking over to the food court for dinner, the two mummies saw the shining Christmas Tree... Wah~!!! Shannen and I kept looking at the Christmas tree. It was very nice... Mummy then decided to take a picture... They tried very hard to ask us to turn around and smiled for the camera... It took them a while before we finally made the pose as shown above... Nice right? Keke...

So that was how I spent my Hari Raya Haji holiday... :) What a great day it had been...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A day at Volkswagen

When I saw this Christmas decor, the first thing that attracted me were the "STARS"... I kept holding onto one of the stars and let Mummy take some nice photos for me :) This decor was at Dawson Place. And we were walking over to Big Aunt's work place... Mummy told me that there would be many cars to see and lots of fun...

Big Aunt's company was having a new car launch. Have you heard of it?? Are U Polo enough? Well, there were certainly lots of activities going on during the car launch event... Some of those which included picture-colouring, window art painting, colourful balloons and my favourite gummy bears to eat, all of these which I had enjoyed very much... Hehe...

Mummy had chosen the easiest window art design for me... After having seen Mummy demo a few times... I've learnt how to paint... :)

Look at my HAPPY face!!! Guess wat?? After I have 'test-seated' the New Polo car... The Jie Jie gave me two packs of gummy bear sweets... Yummy!!! Hehe...

It's been a Great day!! In future whenever Big aunt organizes a new car launching... Mummy surely will bring me there to enjoy and have fun again... Hurray~~!

Thursday, November 12, 2009



Sunday, November 8, 2009


Auntie Pheng brought JunQi kor kor and ZhiQi mei mei to my house... Mummy and Daddy were delightfully surprised that I liked having mei me around... I would ask Mummy to carry mei mei so I could get closer and sayang her. I held her tiny hands, touched her head and kissed her on her face. I took some photos with mei mei too... Mummy was quite worried that I might get too rough with mei mei; so she repeatedly reminded me: "Hazel, pls be careful with mei mei." Hehe... Daddy and Mummy both agreed that I probably had treated ZhiQi mei mei as a toy baby... Keke...

This time JunQi kor kor and me were on very good terms... We did not fight for toys at all and sometimes we would share them and played together as well. Guess we are now good friends... Hehe...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday to Auntie HK!!!

It's Auntie HK birthday, we sang songs, blew candles and cut cake again... Hehe... Look at the "Shooting Star" cake, nice right..? Actually, it was made of 'agar agar' jelly. Auntie HK asked me: "Which color of the rainbow do you want?" And I answered "Green colour". Auntie HK then gave me a piece of green rainbow. The jelly was really Yummy~!!! Auntie HK also shared this nice jelly with our 'neighbours' who had their dinner in the restaurant too. Keke!!! Just like Mummy always says: "Must share huh..."

I had a wonderful time with Joelle and Yutong jie jie... We were running outside playing very happily.. It was great fun!!! Heard that the next gathering will be at KTV... Hehe... Our Mummies have been trying to arrange a KTV session, guess that the timing was juz not right... Let's see when this KTV session will be OnZz.... Keke...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Mummy had waited for a very long time... She always wanted to have a big wardrobe.. For the past few years, she had to live with the small 2-door wardrobe which was not big enough even for herself at all. Now with me around, Mummy really felt that she needed more storage space, even after Daddy told Mummy that the bedroom would probably look smaller than before. Mummy made up her mind this time, and she proceeded ahead with the renovation.

The renovation turns out just fine... We have a walking space as well as a cozy corner for me to sleep in. Mummy just loves the new wardrobe totally. And she is not the only happy person, Daddy is also very happy... Hehe... He waited very long to have an air-con in the living room. Both the aircon & wardrobe came in on the same day. Now Daddy's and Mummy's wishes finally came true... Hehe!!!