Sunday, November 8, 2009


Auntie Pheng brought JunQi kor kor and ZhiQi mei mei to my house... Mummy and Daddy were delightfully surprised that I liked having mei me around... I would ask Mummy to carry mei mei so I could get closer and sayang her. I held her tiny hands, touched her head and kissed her on her face. I took some photos with mei mei too... Mummy was quite worried that I might get too rough with mei mei; so she repeatedly reminded me: "Hazel, pls be careful with mei mei." Hehe... Daddy and Mummy both agreed that I probably had treated ZhiQi mei mei as a toy baby... Keke...

This time JunQi kor kor and me were on very good terms... We did not fight for toys at all and sometimes we would share them and played together as well. Guess we are now good friends... Hehe...

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