Monday, November 2, 2009


Mummy had waited for a very long time... She always wanted to have a big wardrobe.. For the past few years, she had to live with the small 2-door wardrobe which was not big enough even for herself at all. Now with me around, Mummy really felt that she needed more storage space, even after Daddy told Mummy that the bedroom would probably look smaller than before. Mummy made up her mind this time, and she proceeded ahead with the renovation.

The renovation turns out just fine... We have a walking space as well as a cozy corner for me to sleep in. Mummy just loves the new wardrobe totally. And she is not the only happy person, Daddy is also very happy... Hehe... He waited very long to have an air-con in the living room. Both the aircon & wardrobe came in on the same day. Now Daddy's and Mummy's wishes finally came true... Hehe!!!

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