Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Birthday To Tristan Kor Kor

Tristan kor kor turned 4 today!! His BIG party was held at Toa Payoh Safra~Kids' Amaze playground... Fun! Fun! Fun! Parents were not allowed to go into the playground with us kids, but that didn't stop me from enjoying myself anyway, except when I climbed high up in the playground, I didn't know which direction to go...and to climb down back to my ball area (Safe zone)... Guess I need some time to build up more confidence... Hehe... Shannen was also enjoying herself very much. :)

When it was cake cutting time, I did the same stuff - Sang songs and tried to cut the cake... Shannen joined in the fun too... Hehe...

I did extra this time - after the cake cutting, I offered to help pass the cake slices to the guests... Mummy was surprisingly delighted!!! Nevertheless, as usual, she was afraid I might drop the cake slices, so she would keep following me while I'm serving them... :) Mummy sure was proud of me :)

And not forgetting to take a family photo of us... Hehe!!!

Thanks~Auntie Stella for the invitation.. :)

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