Sunday, August 3, 2008



When I woke up from my nap and couldn’t see Mummy, I started to roll all over the mattress and make noises to let Mummy know that I have waked UP!!! Hehe... Then I saw Mummy walk into the bedroom and she carried me and said “Look! Who is here?” Oh… Big Mushroom Aunt was here. Then I noticed that she was carrying something on her hand that attracted my sight. It’s a nice set of “Megablocks” toy and I knew it instantly that it was meant for me. I tell you huh… Though I would have looked ‘blur blur’ (coz I juz woke up); my eyes was locked onto the toy when Big Aunt was walking towards me. Hehe… When Big Aunt gave me the new toy, I quickly hugged it close to my chest. *giggles* Mummy said I could only play later coz it was time for my lunch. After gobbling my lunch, I happily rushed to play with my new toy. How nice the feeling was – to have awakened from my nap and received gifts from Big Aunt!!! Well… This sure made my day… and of cos I gave Big Mushroom Aunt, not just one kiss but many kisses, while Mummy was trying to take pictures of this whole kissing scene. One must be courteous mah, you know… And Big Aunt was very happy bcoz normally whenever she does come to visit me, I would act very “DAO” (anti-social) one lor; I would never let her (or even anyone else) get close to me. So to Big Aunt and the rest out there, you would know what to do when you wanna come and see me hor… (Buy toys for me :p) Then you will get more kisses from me~haha!~

We met up with Aloysius for dinner. I and Aloysius were very noisy… We sat opposite each other, so that was why we needed to raise our voice slightly to try to communicate with each other. Kekeke... After dinner, all of us went to Aloysius’s house. Wah!!! Aloysius has so many toys. I spotted one chair and I liked it so much that I kept sitting on it. Daddy then had decided to buy one for me, no matter what the price is. Well… We’ll just wait and see… Keke… We were roaming around his house, looking for toys to play. Mummy thought that Aloysius and myself were amazingly cute. Just imagine two 14th month old little kids, short short, walking up and down the house. Aloysius likes to talk a lot; he would talk and talk; and only I would understand what he was saying.~hahaha!~ Here’s some pictures ~ check out my favourite chair.

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