Friday, October 31, 2008


It's Halloween Night!! I didn't go home right after school. Instead, Daddy and Mummy brought me out to meet up with my classmates (with their Daddies and Mummies, of cos…) for dinner. Hurray!!! The adults were all busy eating and chatting among themselves; but not forgetting feeding us kids as well. Lucas kor kor often came over to my seat and played with me. (Marcus is my classmate, and Lucas is Marcus's kor kor…)

After my dinner, we kids sat in our own chairs for almost 02hrs before we all finally could come down and play… We were happily playing; jumping up and down the sofa. When it was time to go home, I got cranky again; I didn't want Mummy or Daddy to carry me and insisted on walking on my own. Everyone was tired, and wanted to go home except myself who still wanted to carry on playing, but anyway I did not have my way, so we were then on our way home. Mummy told me that we shall have another such gathering soon. I am now looking forward to that day.............

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Received this Rose Award from Cendrine ...:) Thanks you!!

The rules of this award are:

1) The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2) Link the person you received your award from.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Put links of those blogs on yours.

Leave a message on the blogs of the girls and boys you’ve nominated.

I would like to pass this Rose Award to:

1) Auntie Pheng
2) Princess Cheyanne
3) Baby Heidi
4) Little Angel Venice
5) Nyeshia's Mummy
6) Baby David
7) Cynthia Jie jie

Dear all, if not free for this ~ Is ok! Juz to let u all know I'm thinking of u.. Cheers! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008



It’s been some time since my last swimming session; now I’m back in the pool again!!! Keke… As I slowly walked into the pool, I could feel the cold water touching my skin. Well, it did not really take too long for me to warm up and I was starting to have fun again. And I enjoyed a lot this time; I can walk in the pool, holding onto my float and playing with the water. It was really great fun!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Daddy and Mummy were wondering where to go today. Swimming or shopping?? Uncle Mervyn smsed Mummy ~ “Wanna go swimming or cycling?” Mummy and Daddy then decided to go cycling with Uncle Mervyn & Tristan kor kor. We set off at 5:30pm, it’s a fine weather. As this was my first time on a bicycle, I shared the ride with Daddy; it was really fun. During the ride, I could recognize dog when I saw one and I called out “woof~woof~” to let Daddy know.

Halfway through the ride, we had stopped for a rest. Mummy & Daddy brought me to the sand, but I didn’t like it. I kept saying “抱 抱” to tell Daddy and Mummy to carry me instead. Daddy and Mummy thought that perhaps it was my first touch of the sand and wasn’t used to it. Nevertheless, we had some photo taking on the beach…hehe~!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Baby Anthea had arrived on 20 October 2008. For your info, Baby Anthea is Tristan kor kor's mei mei. We could only visit her today cos Daddy and Mummy were not free during the weekdays.

Before we actually set off to visit baby Anthea, Mummy took out a hair band and a pair of sunglasses and put them on for me. At first I was very interested and would keep admiring myself in the mirror. But, it lasted only for a while and I started to remove all the things. hehe!

When we arrived at their place, Baby Anthea was just going to have her milk. Anyway, we could not really play with her cos she is still young. So in the end, Mummy was busy chatting with Auntie Stella and I was busy playing with Tristan kor kor. Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to Baby Anthea’s shower party.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I can make animal sounds--Watch me! :p

In the evening, Daddy & Mummy brought me to Tiong Bahru Plz for dinner. Mummy ordered fish ball noodle and shared with me. While I was eating, I made funny faces; so as usual, Mummy quickly took out her camera and snapped me.. hehe!..

Saturday, October 18, 2008


We went to visit my little cousin Jackie with Grand Great-ma. I had a stubborn cough for the past two weeks, so I didn't get to see little Jackie till today. Jackie has changed a lot... Look at him – he has grown to be a handsome little boy. He is now 2mths+, and very alert, but still needs to be either carried around or put on the bouncer as he is trying to pick up his ‘motor’ skills. Wondering when he can play with me?!...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I went for a trial enrichment class at Brainy Child Montessori. The class was catered to a maximum of 6 students (That was not a big class which should be better for each and everyone of us in that class). Overall, the class was not bad. We danced, we jumped, and there was story telling time, and we were doing some collages as well... This one and half hour trial class cost Mummy $30. At first Mummy could still handle me; but after I have warmed up, I started to play on my own while they were singing, dancing and jumping together; I didn't want to join in their fun at all. I kept going to the shelves and taking the things down to play. Mummy was veri angry and exhausted as she had to try very hard to tame me for the last 30 minutes. Hence, Mummy decided to wait for me to be ready before signing up for this class; perhaps when I am turning 2... Guess I was not ready yet:p


Welcome to FIDGETS! This is a really fun place with playballs, mini cars and many many more... It is located at Turf Club. As I'm under 2yrs old, the entrance fees for me will be $8 and I can play till the place closes at 6pm. This place was recommended by Aunty Michelle aka Aloysius's Mummy. Mummy and Aunty Michelle went ahead with full body massage, leaving the Daddies to take care of the kids, so Daddy had to take care of me when I was playing. When Mummy was done with her massage, she came to look for me. Guess what?! I continued playing and did not realize that she was back! Later in the evening, we went for dinner; me and Aloysius were yawning all the way as we were really tired after all the fun at Fidgets! :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008


It's Handsome Baby Bryan full mth today! He is Trina's "di di". The baby shower was held at a Jumbo Restaurant. Everyone thought all would be seated at the table waiting to be served at the table; instead we had buffet-style lunch at this Jumbo Restaurant at Serangoon Garden Country Club. Not bad toys for me to play leh... Mummy did not manage to take a pic of me and Baby Bryan together coz I was very bz walking around and looking at the fish outside. hehe~.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Mummy bought me this box of 2 piece puzzles some time ago. Finally I can do it myself. This is a transport puzzle box. There are a total of six transports - car, ship, helicopter, aeroplane, train and bus; 12 pieces of puzzles altogether. Mummy will always mix up all the puzzles and I will manage to pick out the correct pieces of puzzles and put each of them together. Mummy is now thinking of upgrading to the 3-4 piece puzzles for me. Keke... :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


Mummy had ordered this bag last month and it arrived in our letterbox today. Mummy was so excited as she liked the bag very much. My clothes and towel are all packed in the bag liao, so I will be carrying this bag to school tomolo. Spotted my name?? Nice nice hor..:)

This Hello Kitty bolster is a wonderful gift from all my teachers & Aunty. Thanks!~

Friday, October 3, 2008


Knock~knock~! Mummy opened the main door and excitedly said "Hazel, it's Great-Grandma". I looked at her and pointed at her. Mummy then opened the gate and Great-Grandma, who quickly stepped in, asked "Can I carry u?". Hmm... Without second thougths, I opened out my arms for her. Mummy was indeed very surprised. Guess that I could still remember the days she took care of me when I was juz a small baby. (She had gone back to the States when I was only 05 months old.) We had a wonderful day. We had dinner at "Aji Teh" restaurant at Taka again. hehe... Great-Grandma enjoyed the food very much.

Another surprise!.. I actually let my "Jiu Jiu" to carry me too. Think my mood was super good. Wahaha!... I normally do not let anyone else (Except Daddy & Mummy) to carry me one hor... I'm veri "DAO" one. Daddy & Mummy were unusually relaxed for the day as they had two extra helpers. However, I still did not want to hold their hands and walk together. And the same thing happened all over again; I cried when I was not allowed to walk freely on my own. Mummy has been trying to resolve this new problem - how to make me hold her hand while walking.?!

I made a new friend while window shopping. This little friend was younger than me; she juz turned 1yr old but she looked almost or even bigger size than me. hehe...!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


When we were shopping at VIVO, I acted as if I had just been released from a cage; I was running here and there. Mummy was very angry that I did not let her hold my hand and walk together. When Daddy tried to carry me, I cried and struggled with all my might. I ran into several shops and danced happily whenever the music played. No shy huh, I shook my buttock and danced heartily~.

At the Crocs shop, Daddy & Mummy were looking for a nice pair of shoes for me. But in the end, we left the shop empty-handed. Mummy had finally decided to buy the Clarks shoes for me. So I guess I should be getting my new shoes veri soon.. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


When I woke up this morning, Daddy & Mummy wished me "Happy Children's Day!!" Hehe.. I'm having a cough; so now on antibiotic. Don't worri about me, I'm still veri active, playing in the house happily. After my shower, Daddy wrapped me up in my towel. Nowadays everytime after my bath, Daddy would wrap me up like that... Cute right!?...*giggles*

We went dinner with Auntie Q & Uncle S. Mummy told Auntie Q that I'm a Ramen lover. She then brought us to a restaurant at Takashimaya basement, near the foodcourt. It's called "Aji Tei". Mummy liked the restaurant as it was not very crowded. Daddy ordered the kid's meal and a "white fish in hot plate" for me. My poor Daddy juz had surgery for removal of his wisdom teeth and could not really eat at all; so he was busy feeding me. I ate a lot. Hehe!!! This meal was a wonderful treat from Auntie Q. Thanks Auntie Q, *MuAcK*

After dinner we went shopping. Mummy had wanted to buy a toy for me but I was excitedly running all around the shopping mall. Mummy & Daddy were busy watching over me. Hence, in the end, they nvr really had the time to get a toy for me. :p

That was how I spent my Children's Day.

"The End" - it's one of my fav statements these days...