Saturday, July 26, 2008



Mummy made a reservation for table of 4 Adults and 2 kids Marina Square Sakae Sushi Restaurant at 6:30pm. We’re meeting my classmate Aloysius and his parents Uncle Charles and Aunty Michelle for dinner. Well… he is my buddy leh; we are always shouting at school (Hehe… This is our way of chit-chatting). During the dinner, our parents were talking all the while; I was bz eating my bread and Aloysius was also bz having his own biscuits. Then, I got to taste the Chawanmushi (steamed egg). It was very nice; I liked it very much as I ate quite a lot. After dinner, we went shopping at Kiddy Palace (That’s Mummy’s favourite place… Hehe…). Mummy saw a play slide and brought me there to play. WOW!!! That’s really fun!!! But I kept climbing up the slide instead. Mummy was worried that I would fall and so she finally carried me away. When it was time to go home, Aloysius kissed me on the cheek… Hehe... He made me shy leh. Hope to go out with Aloysius some other time.

Sunday, July 20, 2008



We went swimming again, this time Aunty Wendy and Shannen joined in. It was first time Shannen went into the swimming pool. Well, you can guess that she initially was not very comfortable. Hehe! As for me, I didn’t frown on my first time; instead I had a ‘blur’ look. Nevertheless, after a while, she felt good with the water and was enjoying herself too. Hehe… Anyway, today I learnt how to play with the water in the pool. This was much more fun than the last swimming session. Whenever Mummy put on the swimming float for me, I would make funny noises – I was trying to tell Mummy that I didn’t really want to have the float around me but Mummy insisted that this would be safer for me. No choice… Here’s a short video clip of me playing with water…

Big Mushroom Aunt had bought me a little ‘Hello Kitty’ bag. It was so cute. And I thought that I was ready to go to school. Hehe! I love having the bag hanging behind me. I would walk round the house with the bag. Whenever the bag slings do slip off from my shoulder, I would lift up my hands to hold on it. I’m clever right?! Keke!

Saturday, July 19, 2008



When we reached Trina’s house, she was asleep. While waiting for her to wake up to play and wish her “Happy Birthday”, I was playing and dancing. There were many friends there but they all are much older than me, only one little baby girl who is 3mths younger than me. Guess what I did?? I snatched her toys. Mummy kept telling me to share, and play together with the rest. Well… I didn’t listen. So when Mummy carried me away, I would scream and shout, insisting to get back that toy. Sigh... Mummy felt so sad. After we left Trina’s hse, and while in the car, Mummy kept repeating “Hazel. You have to share the toys with your other friends, otherwise you will be playing all alone by yourself.” Though I have been hearing these words many times and have been telling myself to change so that Mummy will be happy; I would always forget those words whenever I see any toys. Oops..!!! Guess I’ll have to improve on it.

Birthday Girl, juz woke up from her wonderland...:)

After we left Trina’s house, we went to Tampines IKEA since we were around the area. WOW!!! This place sure is very huge; and I made a little friend there. I played with her and she come ‘sayang’ me, touched my head and then I hugged her too. Hehe…! Daddy had recorded a video of me and my little friend at IKEA. Watch it!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008



Today we went for a photo shooting session at Foto-U. Mummy had made the booking since May 2008; but this photo shooting session had been postponed several times due to unexpected events. Well, actually, its my Daddy lah; he kept saying he would lose some weight and take some nice photos with me and Mummy. Unfortunately, that didn’t really happen… you should know what I mean. Keke… Anyway, since it was my first time at the Foto-U studio, you should be able to understand myself being a cute and curious (KPO) little girl walking around and exploring the studio. During the photo shoot, Daddy & Mummy kept saying and repeating: “Hazel… Hazel… Look here, look here. Smile Smile.”. Aiyo!!! I tell you hor… They were really very noisy leh…

Here are the picture slides taken at Foto-U.

Saturday, July 12, 2008



Today’s a sunny morning!! Mummy asked Daddy: “Shall we bring Hazel to go swimming?” Daddy replied “Ok!!”. Quickly Mummy called Aunty Stella and asked if she wanted to go together. Aunty Stella “Onz ar!!” and they, without further delay, came to pick us up and we all headed straight to Mount Faber SAFRA Club along Telok Blangah. Once we reached SAFRA, WOW!!! The swimming pool area was so BIG!!! Luckily, it was not so crowded. Good timing… Mummy and Daddy excitedly put on my swim wear and Mummy carried me slowly towards the water. It’s cold but I’m ok. My face might seem a bit blur and looked like I didn’t know what’s happening around me; actually I’m enjoying myself in the water. Shiok!!! Shiok!!! After a while, I started to play with the water by splashing around with my little hands. Tristan kor kor was very nice; he let me hv his personal float. His float was very nice and comfortable. Mummy was planning to buy one for me cos Mummy & Daddy had decided to bring me for swimming sessions more often in future. Yeah!!!

At the carpark, Tristan kor kor hugged me "Goodbye" :)

When we reached home, I had my milk and dozed off almost instantly… ZZZzzz…. It was very tired after the swimming session mah. I slept for almost 2hrs; woke up and had my lunch porridge. I was indeed very hungry and finished all the porridge. Mummy changed me and said “Gai Gai”. WOW!!! We’re going out again with Uncle Mervyn, Aunty Stella and Tristan kor kor; all of us went Suntec for some shopping & we kids were having so much fun together. What an enjoyable Saturday…

Playing in the car at Suntec

Juz for laugh...keke!

Sunday, July 6, 2008



So many parties hor… Today was Raye 1st year old Birthday celebration. When we reached Raye’s hse, right after Mummy put me down, I instantly rushed to the play station corner (For kids only). Wah! Lots of toys. I played & played happily. After a while, as walked to the balcony, I noticed a pink hse (For kids only). As my bodyguard, Mummy opened the door to this pink hse and I started to walk in and out the door non-stop; Mummy played ‘peek-a-boo’ with me and JunQi kor kor joined in the fun too. It was so much fun!!! I was sweating all over. The pictures will tell u, how enjoyable I was. Hehe…!

With Birthday boy Raye & his mummy

Saturday, July 5, 2008



Today was David 1st year old Birthday celebration. The last time I saw David; it was at his baby shower. Well… actually, it’s Mummy and Daddy who had seen David. I was only abt 2mths old, sleeping throughout that whole event. But this time I was very bz walking ard his hse, playing with the gate, color balls and clappers, anything that my hands can grab… And poor Mummy… She almost couldn’t catch up with my ‘exploring spirit’ while trying her best not to let me put any stuff into my mouth. Keke… :)
With Birthday boy David
In the evening we went to Tristan kor kor’s hse. Auntie Q & Uncle S were there too. We had dinner there. After dinner, it’s MY ‘play time’ again… Yippee!!! Mummy was starting to sweat again. Keke… I enjoyed veri much. Tristan kor kor shared and played his cooking toys with me. Daddy also played ‘catching’ with both of us. I and Tristan kor kor were running all around the hse… RUN~!.. Wahahaha!!! So much fun!!! I was playing happily in the hse. Tristan kor kor shouted and I followed suit… Hehe… At times, me and Tristan kor kor had almost fought over little matters but we would still hug each other when its time to say good bye. Thanks! Tristan kor kor, for sharing the toys and playing with me. Hope to play with you again soon... :)

Cooking, cooking...

Ready to eat..Yummy! hehe

Playing catching~

Tuesday, July 1, 2008



It was another cardiac assessment for me today. It’s been 6mths since the last scan, the last time Doctor said there was still a small gap which was not closed. Mummy was very worried; she really hoped that the gap in my heart will be fully closed. Mummy & Daddy did not wish to see me go thru the heart scanning process, I had to drink some sleeping medicine before the scan. Feeding of medicine was so stressful for Mummy & Daddy coz I would always cry out my heart. The medicine was so bitter; who would like to eat?? During the scan, several tubes would be attached to my body. Mummy hoped this would be the last time for me. When we reached the clinic, the first thing was to measure my weight height. Here’s my last growth record.

My growth record as at 13mths old:
Weight : 10.5kg
Height : 78cm

Well… I am growing fine. Keke… I think so.

Before going for the scan, Doctor said I’m due for chicken pox jab. Mummy didn’t expect any jab but since Doctor said so, of cos I should take the jab – for safety reasons. Keke… Doctor said I’m now a big girl liao, so I could take the jab on my arm. As soon as the needle went in, I screamed out in escalation, but only for a moment and stopped soon after that. (P.S: My scream had a delayed effect after the needle went in cos the process was so fast and I also didn’t suspect anything initially; everyone acted so normally as if nothing was going to happen!!!) Mummy hugged and praised me, “Good girl, you are brave”. :) After the jab we went outside and waited for my turn to do the heart scan.

After the scan, Mummy & Daddy anxiously went back to see Doctor for the results (Of cos, they brought me along…). Doctor said “Ok… Everything is fine now… No more worries for Hazel’s heart.” Mummy & Daddy were so delighted!!! Finally, they can buy insurance for me cos I am now certified by Doctor.

My little heart is fine now. No hole~no gap! Yeah~!!! :)

This pic was taken at the Gleneagles food court, I'm waiting for my porridge. Mummy finds that this pic looks like boy boy....keke