Tuesday, July 1, 2008



It was another cardiac assessment for me today. It’s been 6mths since the last scan, the last time Doctor said there was still a small gap which was not closed. Mummy was very worried; she really hoped that the gap in my heart will be fully closed. Mummy & Daddy did not wish to see me go thru the heart scanning process, I had to drink some sleeping medicine before the scan. Feeding of medicine was so stressful for Mummy & Daddy coz I would always cry out my heart. The medicine was so bitter; who would like to eat?? During the scan, several tubes would be attached to my body. Mummy hoped this would be the last time for me. When we reached the clinic, the first thing was to measure my weight height. Here’s my last growth record.

My growth record as at 13mths old:
Weight : 10.5kg
Height : 78cm

Well… I am growing fine. Keke… I think so.

Before going for the scan, Doctor said I’m due for chicken pox jab. Mummy didn’t expect any jab but since Doctor said so, of cos I should take the jab – for safety reasons. Keke… Doctor said I’m now a big girl liao, so I could take the jab on my arm. As soon as the needle went in, I screamed out in escalation, but only for a moment and stopped soon after that. (P.S: My scream had a delayed effect after the needle went in cos the process was so fast and I also didn’t suspect anything initially; everyone acted so normally as if nothing was going to happen!!!) Mummy hugged and praised me, “Good girl, you are brave”. :) After the jab we went outside and waited for my turn to do the heart scan.

After the scan, Mummy & Daddy anxiously went back to see Doctor for the results (Of cos, they brought me along…). Doctor said “Ok… Everything is fine now… No more worries for Hazel’s heart.” Mummy & Daddy were so delighted!!! Finally, they can buy insurance for me cos I am now certified by Doctor.

My little heart is fine now. No hole~no gap! Yeah~!!! :)

This pic was taken at the Gleneagles food court, I'm waiting for my porridge. Mummy finds that this pic looks like boy boy....keke

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