Tuesday, December 30, 2008



Mummy had taken some videos of me for the past 2wks... Enjoy my videos...hehe!

Watch me dancing...!

I have started to feed myself... still trying to master this basic skill... so will spill some water and rice at times... hehe!

Playing with my toys..Do ABC puzzles..cooking and cutting fruits..not juz cut fruits, I can recognize the fruits too... :)

Monday, December 29, 2008



For the past couple of weeks, Mummy had been too lazy to update my blog... Actually, Mummy and Daddy had to take turns to take care of me at home coz my School got several cases of HFMD... They were relieved that I was not affected in the end. And So that explained for the over-due post...

Date : 13 Dec 2008
Place : Went shopping at Taka with Chor Chor (Great Grandma)

I liked this baby pram alot...kept pushing it around. When Mummy took the pram away from me, I cried out loud...

Next, I saw a little pink handbag and tried to carry it as Chor Chor was carrying hers... Action rite?!... hehe

Date : 14th Dec 2008
Place : McDonald @Ridout Tea Garden ~ Ryan 3rd Birthday Party
and Teacher Sohli's hse Xmas gathering

Happy Birthday Ryan!!! See... Auntie Geryl was so happy...:) This party was more suitable for Big Jie Jie and Kor kor... They were playing games and dancing around... As I was still too young to join in the fun, so most of the time I was on the highchair, eating and playing with Marcus.. Think I may need to wait for one more year before I can join the bigger kids!!!

So nice of Yutong Jie Jie.. She got a balloon for me... Tks! Jie JIe...

With Marcus.. eat and eat and eat.. play and play and play....hehehe...

We went to Teacher Sohli's hse for a Xmas gathering after Ryan's party... Even with juz an one-hr nap, I still had lots of energy... I quickly had my dinner porridge, started to play with my classmate and teachers. We also sang Xmas songs together and exchanged gifts towards the end of the party... So much FUN!!

Date : 24th Dec 2008
Place: At home~Xmas party~Steamboat dinner

Daddy & Mummy had organised a steamboat dinner for Xmas party this year at home.. (seems like CNY dinner hor...steamboat..hehe)... Mummy was bz..hv to look after me.. She couldn't really chat much with the Aunties or even really take pictures of the whole gathering... :)

My school teacher had made this green tag and I added some white cotton wool on it to make it look nice nice...My Xmas art piece... :)

The Xmas gathering photos..think its the one and only...hahaha

Date : 25th Dec 2008
Place : At home~opening presents....

Thank you Aunties, Uncles and Teachers...for all the wonderful gifts....*MuAcK* *MuAcK*

Remember the baby pram which I loved at first sight?! Mummy had decided to buy this trolley instead so that I can keep all my toy fruits in it... :)

Monday, December 8, 2008



Uncle S called, and said that he would be coming up to my house in a while with someone who we had not met for quite some time. Hmmm... Mummy guessed it must be Fernando lah… Hehe... And sure enough, its Fernando di di... Fernando was full of curiousity; he would crawl here and there and look for things to play. I was having my lunch when he came. When I had finished my lunch and came down from my high chair, my selfishness started again… I would snatch the toys that Fernando had wanted to take or play. Mummy was once again trying so hard to remind me – PLS SHARE! :p

Sunday, December 7, 2008


We all went to Marcus's hse for swimming. Wah~! It was so fun and enjoyable… The water was really very cold, but it didn't stop us from having so much fun in the water… Here are all my classmates and schoolmates… Lucas kor kor, Yutong jie jie, Marcus and Aloysius, we usually hang out together. There’s another friend who was not around today... and that was JOELLE. She is now on a holiday trip enjoying herself (I mean with her parents too lah) in Hokkaido...

Marcus's mummy cooked salmon porridge for us for dinner. Yummy!... I ate a lot as that was really nice porridge... After our dinner, Marcus' daddy gave us a big bowl of crackers while we played with toys... Look at us… We were all enjoying our crackers... :)

It was then 10pm and time for all of us to go home... I knocked out (Sleeping) while sitting in my car seat on the way back home... ZZZzzzzzz

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Long time nvr see JunQi kor kor liao. Today he came to visit me at my hse. I was very happy to see JunQi kor kor but yet again, both of us were still not sharing toys!!!... hehe... well... we probably need a bit more time to learn to share.. We went shopping together at IMM and enjoyed ourselves.. Here's some pics of us... :)

See JunQi kor kor really knows how to pose for the pictures.

Sit still and take a picture!

Friday, December 5, 2008


I have my dinner packed from school everyday (Mon-Fri). Mummy actually pays $60 for this dinner pack which means $3 per day. I couldn't really finish the dinner pack, so it's either Daddy or Mummy who will help me finish the remaining food.. hehe How iszits? Looks yummy rite? Of all the dishes here, my favourite is..... RICE... Wahahaha!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Play catching with Yutong Jie Jie. Exciting and Fun!...See how fast I can run!!!!!

Look at me and Yutong Jie Jie... We were sooooo enjoy...Wahahaha!!

Yutong Jie Jie was watching one of my laughing video...Me juz kpo beside... :p

Playing car car...I'm dreaming behind...keke

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Mummy suspected that this apple juice had worsened my cough as I had a very bad phlegmy cough after finishing that packet. :(

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Today went for my 18mths jab. Here’s a photo of my favourite doctor – Dr Chan, at his Dawson place clinic.

My latest growth chart:

Weight : 11.5kg
Height : 79cm (Not very accurate, coz I was wearing my shoes)
Head Circumference : 46.5cm

After we left the clinic, we headed to Tiong Bahru plaza for Long John Silver breakfast. That’s Daddy and Mummy favourite breakfast. But not for me as yet... No worries; Mummy had prepared my favourite bread for me. :)

This picture was taken at Tiong Bahru, Mummy felt that I look a lot like Daddy in these few pictures. Hmmm.... Do I really look like Daddy??

In the afternoon, little Cousin Jackie came to my house... Mummy decided to hand-me-down my rocker swing chair to Jackie since I was no longer using it. Jackie felt so comfortable sitting on it. I sayang Jackie and shared my toys to him. I am a good jie jie rite?? hehe!

Friday, November 21, 2008


We, the daddies, mummies and the kiddies all met up to have frog porridge for dinner right after school. Mummy was too busy feeding me, so no photos were taken at the restaurant. I got cheeky after a while; kept climbing up and down the chair. When we were about to leave the restaurant, I got cranky as I still wanted to continue playing the chair. After a hopeless struggle Mummy carried me out of the restaurant. It was Friday night and the daddies and mummies didn't feel like ending the night so early, so we all popped over to Joelle's house for a drink & chat. Wah~! Joelle has soooooo many toys... Look at the pics... We were so joyful playing with them...

Look at Marcus....he is soooo cuteeee! hehe...He was drinking orange juice.. Cute right?? hehe

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Heard "Hello~~!" It's Aunty Cynthia and Yutong Jie Jie at my doorstep. I had a great time playing with Yutong Jie Jie and we were laughing happily all the while. We had lunch together at home when Mummy and Aunty Cynthia had decided to go shopping at IMM Jurong. Mummy was so excited; she quickly packed my bag and off we went. While in the car, Mummy realized that she forgot to pack my milk powder. Aiyo!!! I could not believe it… No milk after my nap… Blur Mummy… No choice, Mummy had to feed me bread instead lor...

We were going for early dinner (coz no Milk for me..hehe) at "Aji Sen Ramen" restaurant. However, before the dinner started, I was making noise as I had been eyeing at the car ride. Daddy & Mummy took some time to make me sit down to have my dinner. Right after our dinner, me and Yutong Jie Jie quickly rushed to play the car ride… and both us enjoyed the car ride very much.... :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This video was took on 3Nov Monday, its was perfect as I didn't pick the wrong card but hor......the camera battery FLAT! haha...It stopped at "number 7".

Mummy nvr give up. This time she make sure the camera battery is full, start recording right after my dinner. This time I picked some of the wrong number card but Daddy will give me chance to pick again...hehe! Watch me when I'm picking "Number 5", I dance abit before picking up the card. Mummy finds cute. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Great Grandma came and we were having a great time!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Guess who I met at the swimming pool today? It was Ysabelle jie jie!!! We used to be in the same class, but she is now my senior as she has been promoted to Zion Kids gang. I am still Zion Babies gang. We are very happy to see each other; we will hug each other whenever we meet in school.

This time I could walk in the pool without the float, Daddy will look after me coz I was still not very steady. Tell you something… I like the play slide (by the poolside) so much. After Daddy slide me down a few times, I started to be more daring and wanted to climb up the stairs myself. I even tried to stand on my own at the top of the slide but Daddy and Mummy were so afraid that I would fall and hurt myself. I didn't listen to them, so Daddy had no choice but to carry me away safely. I cried out loud!!! I really liked to play the slide but Mummy kept telling me "Cannot!" and showed me the notice board which clearly stated "for 2yrs to 12 yrs only". Guess I just have to wait a while more before I can go up alone. Mummy suggested that if I do want to play, I must let Daddy hold me; if not, I will not have the swimming session again. Think I better be good.

Friday, October 31, 2008


It's Halloween Night!! I didn't go home right after school. Instead, Daddy and Mummy brought me out to meet up with my classmates (with their Daddies and Mummies, of cos…) for dinner. Hurray!!! The adults were all busy eating and chatting among themselves; but not forgetting feeding us kids as well. Lucas kor kor often came over to my seat and played with me. (Marcus is my classmate, and Lucas is Marcus's kor kor…)

After my dinner, we kids sat in our own chairs for almost 02hrs before we all finally could come down and play… We were happily playing; jumping up and down the sofa. When it was time to go home, I got cranky again; I didn't want Mummy or Daddy to carry me and insisted on walking on my own. Everyone was tired, and wanted to go home except myself who still wanted to carry on playing, but anyway I did not have my way, so we were then on our way home. Mummy told me that we shall have another such gathering soon. I am now looking forward to that day.............

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Received this Rose Award from Cendrine ...:) Thanks you!!

The rules of this award are:

1) The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2) Link the person you received your award from.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Put links of those blogs on yours.

Leave a message on the blogs of the girls and boys you’ve nominated.

I would like to pass this Rose Award to:

1) Auntie Pheng
2) Princess Cheyanne
3) Baby Heidi
4) Little Angel Venice
5) Nyeshia's Mummy
6) Baby David
7) Cynthia Jie jie

Dear all, if not free for this ~ Is ok! Juz to let u all know I'm thinking of u.. Cheers! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008



It’s been some time since my last swimming session; now I’m back in the pool again!!! Keke… As I slowly walked into the pool, I could feel the cold water touching my skin. Well, it did not really take too long for me to warm up and I was starting to have fun again. And I enjoyed a lot this time; I can walk in the pool, holding onto my float and playing with the water. It was really great fun!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Daddy and Mummy were wondering where to go today. Swimming or shopping?? Uncle Mervyn smsed Mummy ~ “Wanna go swimming or cycling?” Mummy and Daddy then decided to go cycling with Uncle Mervyn & Tristan kor kor. We set off at 5:30pm, it’s a fine weather. As this was my first time on a bicycle, I shared the ride with Daddy; it was really fun. During the ride, I could recognize dog when I saw one and I called out “woof~woof~” to let Daddy know.

Halfway through the ride, we had stopped for a rest. Mummy & Daddy brought me to the sand, but I didn’t like it. I kept saying “抱 抱” to tell Daddy and Mummy to carry me instead. Daddy and Mummy thought that perhaps it was my first touch of the sand and wasn’t used to it. Nevertheless, we had some photo taking on the beach…hehe~!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Baby Anthea had arrived on 20 October 2008. For your info, Baby Anthea is Tristan kor kor's mei mei. We could only visit her today cos Daddy and Mummy were not free during the weekdays.

Before we actually set off to visit baby Anthea, Mummy took out a hair band and a pair of sunglasses and put them on for me. At first I was very interested and would keep admiring myself in the mirror. But, it lasted only for a while and I started to remove all the things. hehe!

When we arrived at their place, Baby Anthea was just going to have her milk. Anyway, we could not really play with her cos she is still young. So in the end, Mummy was busy chatting with Auntie Stella and I was busy playing with Tristan kor kor. Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to Baby Anthea’s shower party.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I can make animal sounds--Watch me! :p

In the evening, Daddy & Mummy brought me to Tiong Bahru Plz for dinner. Mummy ordered fish ball noodle and shared with me. While I was eating, I made funny faces; so as usual, Mummy quickly took out her camera and snapped me.. hehe!..

Saturday, October 18, 2008


We went to visit my little cousin Jackie with Grand Great-ma. I had a stubborn cough for the past two weeks, so I didn't get to see little Jackie till today. Jackie has changed a lot... Look at him – he has grown to be a handsome little boy. He is now 2mths+, and very alert, but still needs to be either carried around or put on the bouncer as he is trying to pick up his ‘motor’ skills. Wondering when he can play with me?!...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I went for a trial enrichment class at Brainy Child Montessori. The class was catered to a maximum of 6 students (That was not a big class which should be better for each and everyone of us in that class). Overall, the class was not bad. We danced, we jumped, and there was story telling time, and we were doing some collages as well... This one and half hour trial class cost Mummy $30. At first Mummy could still handle me; but after I have warmed up, I started to play on my own while they were singing, dancing and jumping together; I didn't want to join in their fun at all. I kept going to the shelves and taking the things down to play. Mummy was veri angry and exhausted as she had to try very hard to tame me for the last 30 minutes. Hence, Mummy decided to wait for me to be ready before signing up for this class; perhaps when I am turning 2... Guess I was not ready yet:p


Welcome to FIDGETS! This is a really fun place with playballs, mini cars and many many more... It is located at Turf Club. As I'm under 2yrs old, the entrance fees for me will be $8 and I can play till the place closes at 6pm. This place was recommended by Aunty Michelle aka Aloysius's Mummy. Mummy and Aunty Michelle went ahead with full body massage, leaving the Daddies to take care of the kids, so Daddy had to take care of me when I was playing. When Mummy was done with her massage, she came to look for me. Guess what?! I continued playing and did not realize that she was back! Later in the evening, we went for dinner; me and Aloysius were yawning all the way as we were really tired after all the fun at Fidgets! :)